Dedication to Mr. German

Posted by Stacy Williams (Co-Advisor of AACC) on 2/6/2023 9:00:00 AM

Mr. German,

We miss you so much. It was an honor to co-advise the African American Club with you back in 2020 and I will forever cherish the memories now. 

Thank you for showing us the way to lead the African American Club. You would be so proud of how far we've come. Mr. Swindell and I are so grateful for how you groomed the members to be great leaders within and out of Lenape. We will only continue to get better!

We miss your laugh, your smile, your deep thoughts of clarity. I will never forget your comment to our club during one of our rehearsals for the fashion show. Which would also turn into our last encounter. You enjoyed the playlist we were playing. You enjoyed it so much you mentioned playing it during your next class period. Before you exited the door, you turned and looked me in my eyes and said, "Mrs. Williams, you're doing a great job. If you think no one is seeing it, we are." I pondered your response, as that never crossed my mind... It blessed my heart when the club decided to dedicate the fashion show to you, as your students and members miss you dearly.

Mr. German, we saw you and will continue to see you. We saw your efforts, your heart, and compassion. The African American Culture Club is a reflection of your heart and always will be. Fly high, just like an eagle, sour my friend! You are forever in our hearts. ~ AACC


Mr. Luis German