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Lenape Regional High School District

LRHSD Teacher & Administrator Evaluation Summary


As per recent New Jersey Department of Education and Federal guidelines, the information given below outlines and describes the evaluation process used in the Lenape Regional High School District (LRHSD).

LRHSD observes tenured teachers at least two times during the school year in addition to the annual summative evaluation. Non-tenured teachers are observed at least four times during the school year in addition to the annual summative evaluation. Observations are formal, for the entire class period; and include a pre-conference and a post-conference. Observations are documented in either a narrative summary or a standardized item list constructed from the teacher’s job description and from the main components of Research for Better Teaching, A Skillful Teacher, by Jon Saphier and Robert Gower. All administrators receive formal training through The Research for Better Teaching Institute on how to effectively evaluate the performance of a teacher.

A summative annual self-evaluation is first completed by the teacher and then reviewed by their supervisor and principal. Additionally, the supervisor completes an annual summary and conducts an annual conference to review the following criteria: Personal Relationship Building/Collegiality, Routine Duties & Obligations, Management, Instructional Strategies, Preparation & Planning, and Assessment. Evidence considered can be through formal observations, pre and post conferences, teacher work samples, progress completing professional development hours, progress towards professional growth plans and evaluator narrative.

LRHSD observes all tenured and non-tenured administrators at least one time during the school year. Additionally, principals are required to construct instructional goals. Principals are held accountable for completion of these goals each month through a presentation to the Instructional Council. A summative annual self-evaluation is first completed by the administrator and then reviewed by the superintendent during an annual conference which includes the presentation of evidence of meeting all six Interstate School Leaders Licensure Consortium Standards. Other evidence considered can be formal observations/visits, work portfolios, school climate indicators, self-evaluations, work samples, documentation of completed teacher evaluations, conferences and performance aligned to District goals.

The results of all observations and evaluation summaries are used to plan professional development opportunities, develop growth plans for teachers and administrators, make tenure decisions, recommendations for reemployment, compensation decisions and for administrative and teacher placement decisions.