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Lenape Regional High School District

Shawnee High School Approved Social Media Accounts

Shawnee HS Primary Social Media Accounts

Social Media Type Social Media Handle
X @ShawneeHSNJ
Instagram @ShawneeHSNJ
Instagram @IAmRenegadeNation
X @SHSRenegades
YouTube ShawneeTV

Shawnee HS Academic Social Media Accounts

Social Media Type Account Name Social Media Handle
X Shawnee Choirs @ShawneeChoirs
Instagram Counseling Department @shawneehscounseling
Instagram Health & PE Department @shawnee_hpe
X Mrs. Kirk's Drafting, Architecture and Engineering Classes @made_by_shawnee
Instagram Mrs. Kirk's Drafting, Architecture and Engineering Classes @made_by_shawnee

Shawnee HS Athletic Social Media Accounts

Social Media Type Account Name Social Media Handle
X Athletic Department @SHSRenegades
X Boys Soccer @Shawnee_soccer

Boys Soccer

Shawnee Boys Soccer
Instagram Boys Soccer @shawneeboyssoccer
X Girls Cross Country @Shawnee_xc
X Field Hockey @SHSRenegadesFH
X Girls Golf @SHS_Girls_Golf
X Boys Basketball @ShawneeHoops
X Wrestling @shswrestling_1
X Girls Lacrosse @shawneelax
X Girls Tennis @tennis_shawnee
Instagram Girls Tennis @tennis_shawnee
Instagram Girls Golf @shawneegirlsgolf
Instagram Boys Lacrosse @shawneeblax
X Volleyball @VBSHS2021
Instagram Girls Soccer @shawneegirlssoccer
Instagram Dance Team
Instagram Softball @shawneesoftballrenegades
Instagram Football Cheerleading @SHS_RenegadeCheer
X Girls Basketball @shawneewbb
Instagram Unified Basketball @shs_unified_bball

Shawnee HS Extracurricular Social Media Accounts

Social Media Type Account Name Social Media Handle
Instagram National Honor Society @Shawnee_nhs
X Student Section @bluecrewSHS
Instagram Student Section @bluecrewSHS
X Student Council @Shawnee_StuCo
Instagram Student Council @Shawneestuco
Instagram FBLA @ShawneeFBLA
X The Renegade Report (School Newspaper) @RenegadesReport
Instagram Marching Band @Shawnee_band
X School Store @ShawneeSchoolS2
Instagram School Store @ShawneeSchoolStore
Instagram DECA @shawneedeca
Instagram FCCLA @Shawnee_FCCLA
X Feminist Activist Club @ActivistShs
Instagram Shawnee TV @shawneetvinsta
Facebook Shawnee TV shawneetv
Instagram Jazz Program @ShawneeJazz
Instagram Class of 2027 @shawnee_2027
Instagram Interact Club @ShawneeInteractClub
Instagram Class of 2028 @shawnee_2028
X Class of 2028 @shawnee2028