Meeting Agendas
Notice is hereby given by the Board of Education of the Lenape Regional High School District, Burlington County, New Jersey, of the Regular Meeting of the Board of Education scheduled for Wednesday, November 20, 2024.
This Regular Meeting will be held at the K. Kiki Konstantinos Administration and Staff Development Center, 93 Willow Grove Road, Shamong, New Jersey, commencing at 7:30 p.m. Formal action will be taken on any and all business of the Board of Education.
Kara L. Huber
School Business Administrator/
Board Secretary
DATED: November 14, 2024
Preliminary Board of Education meeting agendas will be posted one day prior to the scheduled Board meeting. Please be advised that these agendas are drafts which are subject to change up to and including the time of the meeting. Final agendas and any addenda, to the extent known, will be made available at time of the meeting.
Beginning January 1, 2021, all agendas/minutes can be found on our BoardDocs website.