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Lenape Regional High School District

Support Our Students


Support Our Students
STOP State Aid Cuts!

LRHSD to see $4.69 Million in Cuts
Several South Jersey schools say they are reeling after learning their state education funding would be slashed. Some of the big school districts like Lenape Regional H.S. District are now searching for answers. LRHSD Superintendent Dr. Carol Birnbohm said, “I believe that the cuts that we are going to be forced to make this year will have a direct impact on student programs and staffing.
graphic with LRHSD logo and 2024-2025 Funding Update text
"Yesterday, we received the devastating news that our school funding for the 2024-2025 year will be gutted beyond what was ever anticipated." Read more about the $4.69 million reduction in State aid in the letter from Superintendent of Schools Dr. Carol Birnbohm.

SOS Mission Statement

The Support Our Students (SOS) coalition of school districts throughout the state being negatively impacted by the reduction in state adjustment aid shall advocate with our legislators, and convey our message to the public to ensure that ALL 1.4 million students in New Jersey receive the quality education that they deserve and are entitled to in accordance with the state’s mandate for a thorough and efficient education. This effort shall include supporting increased state aid for those districts who have been underfunded.

Our effort shall be sustained and inclusive of all stakeholders focusing on outcomes that result in educational services and programming being maintained for our school communities while seeking fiscally responsible solutions.

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