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Lenape Regional High School District

Lenape District Transportation Department

Phone: 609-654-5527

Fax: 609-654-0427

 Barry Walter, Director of Transportation - ext. 445800

Trish Gerber, Transportation Coordinator - ext. 445700

Carole Yates, Transportation Secretary - ext. 445500

Buses are provided for all pupils by the Board of Education. Safety is the top priority of the Lenape District Transportation Department. Consequently, cameras are on all vehicles to assure safety.

Activity Buses: Students leaving the school on a school bus to attend an activity must return to the school on the same bus. Exceptions to this policy may be made only by contacting the school and following specific procedures.

Behavior: Students who do not behave in accordance with the Bus Procedures, or who are involved in any disturbance on a school bus, will face disciplinary action, including possible immediate expulsion from the bus. Students will refrain from boisterous behavior, yelling, cursing, fighting, disrespecting other students or the driver and throwing objects, etc., while aboard buses. School buses will be returned to a school whenever a situation develops that needs immediate attention, or the police will be called if necessary.

Bus Stops: Any concerns relative to a bus stop should be brought to the attention of the Transportation Coordinator at (609) 654-5527 and select option 4.

Lost Items: Lenape Transportation is not responsible for lost items left on district vehicles. Understand most buses are used for other activities and will be used by many other students. Anything left on the bus can be picked up by someone else very easily. Be vigilant to keep track of your belongings. If you lose something on a contracted bus, you will be responsible to contact the specific contractor and collect your belongings at their location.

Switching Buses: Students assigned to a particular bus must not change buses without the prior written request from the parent/guardian of the student.  An administrator at the school must approve the request first, then forward the written request to Transportation and then the permission will be granted.