How Do I Configure Notifications?
1. In order to set up LRHSD Mobile App Notifications, you must be logged in to the app with either your parent or student account.
Refer to the How Do I Log In? page for more information regarding this topic.
2. Tap on the Notifications icon.
3. Tap on the gear in the upper right-hand corner.
4. Tap Configure alerts.
5. By toggling the Class Grade Drop to “on,” you will receive notifications when a class grade drops below the letter grade threshold that you set.
- Toggle Low Score to "on."
- Tap Score Threshold.
- Select the percentage below at which you wish to receive a notification.
6. Toggle the Class Grade Update to "on" if you would like to be notified any time a class grade is changed.
7. Toggle the Assignment Graded to "on" if you would like to be notified any time an assignment is graded.
8. By toggling the Cafeteria Balance to “on,” you will receive notifications when your balance drops below the dollar amount threshold that you set.
- Toggle Cafeteria Balance to "on."
- Tap Balance Threshold
- Select the dollar amount below which you wish to receive a notification.
The LRHSD Mobile App uses several different methods to let users know when they have received a notification.
The LRHSD Mobile App icon will display a badge reflecting the number of unread notifications. It can even send push notifications to the main screen of your mobile device. See your mobile device’s user guide regarding notification settings.