- Shawnee High School
- Overview
Welcome to the Debate Team...
The Shawnee High School Debate team competes in the South Jersey Debate League at the varsity and junior varsity levels.
The team researches and prepares for the resolution from September through early December. As the team researches they will formulate a plan to defend the resolution, and an attack to defeat the resolution.
Meetings take place every Wednesday (and other days as needed) in the upstairs media center after school. The competitive season begins in December and concludes in February.
In addition to learning about debate and having the opportunity to showcase your skills in a competitive setting, this extracurricular helps you to become more analytical, use evidence to support your claims, and present your ideas in a more persuasive way. These are all useful skills for a high level of success and preparation for school, college, and career.
As a team, members work together to review evidence, build arguments, and develop policy ideas for change on matters of national significance while being challenged and supported by the team's coaching staff.
If you are interested in learning more feel free to e-mail Coach Baer at zbaer@lrhsd.org.