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Lenape Regional High School District

2-27-19 Request to Get Involved to "Stop State Aid Cuts" Email

Good Afternoon Parents and Community Members:

At our recent Lenape Region Community Forum, over 400 people in attendance left the evening well informed about the following: our district’s efforts in being responsible stewards of available resources, the catastrophic nature of the impending cuts to operations and programs, and, well-armed with information to share with our community. 

The projected loss of state aid within seven years for LRHSD is approximately $8.3 million.  As members of the advocacy group, Support Our Students (SOS), whose mission is to ensure that the Governor and legislature provide equitable funding for every student and school district in New Jersey, we are requesting your assistance in communicating the urgent situation created by the planned state aid cuts.  

How can you get involved?

  1. Write/call the governor’s office.
  2. Write/call our state legislators.
  3. Attend the SOS’s first rally on March 5th at the state capitol.

Sample letters, sample email messages and email addresses are attached which you could send if you wish to express concern regarding the impending state aid cuts. Send these or create your own messages.  It is anticipated that there will be in excess of 2,000 people attending the rally.  A strong and visual presence will have an impact on the legislators; it is imperative we maximize attendance.

If you would like to participate in the rally, please register at March5Rally. We can assist with transportation on a first come first served basis, if needed.

Our website has a copy of our Community Forum presentation, details about the March 5th Rally and other related information.

Together, we believe, we can make a difference!

With gratitude,

Dr. Carol L. Birnbohm
Superintendent of Schools

Margaret M. Estlow
LRHSD Board of Education President