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Lenape Regional High School District

Distance Learning Courses

Criteria for acceptance of Lenape Regional High School District Credit for Distance Learning Courses under Option Two (Grades 9 through 12):
High School credit will be awarded for courses taken via the Internet under the following conditions:
1. All courses must be approved prior to registration by the Principal or Designee.
-The institution must be accredited.
-The course must be at high school level or above.
-The learning must be guided and must have an evaluative component (tests and/or projects).
-A shortened school day might not be possible after schedules have been finalized in late August.
2. An official transcript from the Distance Learning institution will be required at the end of the course to award credits.
-Credits that will determine grade level promotion must be submitted by August 1st.
3. If a student successfully completes an out of district course, it will be recorded on the student's transcript as a Pass.
4. If a student wants the course to count in the GPA and class rank:
-The course must be equivalent to a course in the Lenape Regional High School District Program of Studies.
-The student must complete the district assessment upon completion of the course.
-The recorded grade will be an average of the out of district grade, based on the official transcript, and the grade earned on the Lenape District assessment. Out of district grades which are not numerical grades will be averaged as A = 95, B = 85, C = 75.
5. Distance learning credits will be assessed by the counseling supervisor and be converted to the Lenape Regional High School District 5.0 credit scale (Full year course = 5 credits and Single Semester course = 2.5 credits).
6. The safety, cost and transportation, to and from, any Option Two program and any and all costs for programs, fees, books, supplies, support, tutoring, etc. are the responsibility of the student's parent/guardian. By completing the Option Two request the parent/guardian(s) agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Lenape Regional High School District, its agents or employees from any and all claims of any type, action, complaint, judgment, costs or personal injury, arising out of, or related to, the student's participation in the Option Two program.