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Lenape Regional High School District

Community Service


Criteria for acceptance of Lenape Regional High School District Credit for Community Service under Option Two (Grades 9 through 12):

High School credit will be awarded for programs under the following conditions:

1. It is the responsibility of the student and parent/guardian to find a suitable place for the community service project.

2. The student must assume the responsibility of providing transportation to and from the site.

3. Hours may begin to be accumulated from June 1 of a given school year and must be completed by June 1 of the next year. Hours cannot be counted until the application has been approved.

4. The application must be submitted to the school counselor. The counselor along with the principal's designee will approve or reject the proposal. Any change in the activity must be approved.

-A shortened school day might not be possible after schedules have been finalized in late August.

5. 180 hours will equal 5 credits. 90 hours will equal 2.5 credits. A pass or fail grade will be issued. Grade will not affect GPA or class rank.

6. Credit will not be given for more than 10 credits per high school career. (A student is welcome to do community service each year, however only 10 credits will be applied towards the required 130 credits.)

7. A reflective journal must be kept as well as a weekly log. The log must be filled in by the student and signed by the site supervisor. The reflective journal and log are to be signed by the student's guidance counselor in September and at the end of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd marking periods. The reflective journal and log will be turned in by June 1 to the counselor.

8. At the discretion of the school administration and/or site supervisor the student may be ineligible to receive credit under this program (excessive school absenteeism, tardiness, insubordination, dishonesty, poor performance, or other serious violation).

9. If the student has early release or late arrival due to the community service project (and the community service is not on school grounds), they cannot be on school property during such times.

10. Students will not receive payment for service hours.

11. These guidelines are subject to change in order to reflect the New Jersey Department of Education Community Service Guidelines.

12. The safety, cost and transportation, to and from, any Option Two program and any and all costs for programs, fees, books, supplies, support, tutoring, etc. are the responsibility of the student's parent/guardian. By completing the Option Two request the parent/guardian(s) agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Lenape Regional High School District, its agents or employees from any and all claims of any type, action, complaint, judgment, costs or personal injury, arising out of, or related to, the student's participation in the Option Two program.