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Lenape Regional High School District

Recommendations For Entrance To College

General Requirements

Students who are planning to continue their educations at the college level should read this section carefully. Colleges generally use the following criteria in determining the admissibility of applicants.   Students should thoroughly research requirements of individual colleges since admission standards vary greatly from school to school.

  1. High School Record - This includes an evaluation of the number of academic units which a student has completed, the levels of academic units, and the grades earned. All of this is combined to determine each student's grade point average and class rank.
  2. Testing Information - This includes the SAT Reasoning Test and SAT Subject Tests and/or The American College Test (ACT) and possibly the Advanced Placement Evaluations. These test scores need to be submitted directly to the college from the testing agency.
  3. Recommendations - It is the responsibility of the student to request recommendations.
  4. Non-Academic Activities - This includes the number of activities, the level of involvement, and the projected contribution to the college in non-academic areas.

In the academic areas, there are many variations which a student may select. It should be noted that many colleges expect students to have completed at least 16 academic units in high school. One academic unit refers to any full year course in English, Social Studies, Mathematics, Sciences, and World Languages. Individual colleges make their own determination as to what level of instruction constitutes an academic unit for admission.

Course Requirements: 4 Year Colleges

Most 4 year colleges require a minimum of 16 Academic Units:

    1. English - 4 yrs. (4 units)
    2. Algebra 1 & 2 and Geometry - 3 yrs. (3 units)
    3. U.S. History 1 & 2/World Cultures or World History - 3 yrs. (3 units)
    4. Environmental Science, Biology, Physics or Chemistry - 3 yrs. (3 units)
    5. French, Spanish, Latin, Italian or German, Russian - 2 yrs. (2 units) of the same language.
    6. Electives: Academic subjects only, i.e. 1 yr. (1 unit), English, Mathematics, Social Studies, Science and Languages.

Course Requirements: Two Year Colleges

Most Two year colleges require high school graduation.

Program of Studies

The program of studies which students plan for themselves will help them to enjoy a successful and  profitable high school career. It will determine how well they are prepared for college entrance and for entering the job market. The pattern of studies will contribute to their day-by-day personal growth and happiness. Here are the steps that students should follow in planning their high school program.

  1. Establish personal goals. Even though they may be revised, students should have some specific educational, occupational, and personal objectives toward which they are working.
  2. Honestly evaluate personal strengths, interests, aptitudes, and needs.
  3. Learn the requirements for entrance to the college or school of choice or to the kind of work planned after graduation.
  4. During the eleventh grade, visit the colleges or vocational resources of interest.
  5. Consult parents, teachers, and school counselors in order to benefit from their experience and the wealth of information that they can make available. Talk with citizens of the community who are currently working in the profession or vocation of interest.
  6. Select the subjects which are to be included in the pattern of studies. Choose those which will contribute most toward helping to achieve established goals.