Not Even Once is one of many initiatives supported by the Lenape Regional High School District’s Defy the Issue campaign that aims to educate district families and residents of all ages about the dangers of illegal drug and alcohol use and to provide support for young people by empowering them to DEFY the pressures of using such substances.
As part of the #NotEvenOnce curriculum, which aims to demonstrate the impact of opioids on students’ own communities, students view videos and hear from local individuals who have experienced drug addiction. Shawnee piloted the program in 2017 and then introduced it to all seniors in the spring of 2018. Shawnee also began an adaptation of Not Even Once for freshmen in the fall of 2018. Cherokee piloted Not Even Once in May 2018, and it was rolled out to all senior health classes in October 2018.
To learn more about each school's program, visit the Cherokee Not Even Once and Shawnee Not Even Once pages.