
    If you have any questions, please contact Mr. Petragnani through email at: 



    Some local scholarships require separate applications.  A few of those scholarships will be available at the bottom of this page under the heading:  Local & NJ Scholarships. These applications must be filled out in addition to the General Application for Local Scholarships if you wish to be considered.


    Please check the application for specific requirements and eligibility.  In addition, many scholarships are offered by various companies and organizations on a national level. 


    Some of those scholarship opportunities will be on this page under the heading National Scholarships.  Please check the application for specific requirements and eligibility.


     Local and NJ Scholarships:

    National Scholarships: 

    *Disclaimer: Cherokee High School compiles and makes available this list of scholarships and awards. Cherokee High School in no way represents, guarantees, or warrants the viability, awarding, or funding of any of the scholarships listed below. *