Special Education Services

  • The Lenape District offers a complete range of programs for students who have been determined to be "Eligible for Special Education and Related Services."

    Resource Center programs: Integral to these programs is a curriculum stressing study, organizational skills, and transition planning. Resource center teachers are in close contact with the students’ mainstream teachers.

    • In-class support
    • Pull-out support
    • Pull-out replacement instruction in content areas

    Inclusion: The vast majority of classified students are being served in regular programs with support or minimal pullout, with a varying degree of in-class support. The objective is to provide every student with an opportunity to receive education in the least restrictive environment with programs designed to meet his or her individual needs.

    Self-contained programs: These programs are for students requiring a much more concentrated instructional program. There are various and separate programs serving students with severe learning, developmental, and emotional difficulties. Some mainstreaming may occur as appropriate.

    Other services provided:

    • Speech and language therapy
    • Psychological counseling
    • Parent of Special Education Students (POSES) Support group
    • Child Study Teams based within each school
    • Support groups for students

    Sequoia Alternative Program: A district program for classified and non-classified students who require a highly structured learning environment with intense academic remediation and instruction, interactive discipline and counseling, and varied opportunities for social and emotional development. All students have an IEP (Individualized Education Plan) or an IPP (Individual Program Plan) which is reviewed yearly. A case manager from the Child Study Team and/or a mentor is assigned to work with the student, parent(s), and teachers.

    Out of District placements: Proposed for students who need more intensive services in a more restrictive setting, than can be provided at the four high schools or Sequoia. As determined appropriate by the IEP team, students may receive specialized programs in public or private special education settings.

    For students who do not receive Special Education but require an Accommodation Plan:

    Section 504 Services: The District complies with all provisions of the "Rehabilitation Act - Section 504" and "Americans with Disabilities Act - ADA, 1992." A student may be referred to the school’s 504 Coordinator through the Counseling Center to determine eligibility and receive assistance.

    Supports, Accommodations, and Modifications must be provided as stated in IEP, 504 Plan, or I and R S Plans and may include (but are not limited to) the following:

    • Evidence-based curricular and instructional practices with a continuum of supports and interventions in the general education classroom via small groups and/or individual students
    • Quarterly progress monitoring via data analysis for special education students.
    • Referral for necessary students to the Intervention & Referral Team, if needed.
    • Develop Intervention Plan via I&RS and progress monitor via data analysis for individual students
    • Provide supplemental supports and interventions delivered in small-group instruction during a resource period. (Individual Studies)
    • Pull out resource Reading Instruction
    • Supplemental Reading instruction in resource content classes (Achieve 3000)
    • Small group math support - Algebra Support Lab

    Presentation accommodations:

    • Listen to audio recordings instead of reading text
    • Learn content from audiobooks, movies, videos and digital media instead of reading print versions
    • Use alternate texts at a lower readability level
    • Adjust the length of assignments on a page, fewer items per page or line and/or
    • Provides materials in a larger print size
    • Use a magnification device, screen reader, or Braille / Nemeth Code
    • Use audio amplification device (e.g., hearing aid(s), auditory trainer, sound-field system (which may require teacher's use of a microphone)
    • Clarify, reword directions as need - break down instructions
    • Individual differentiation of content based text
    • Record a lesson (Teacher driven)
    • Have another student share class notes with him (carbon-notebook)
    • Be given a copy of the teacher’s lecture notes
    • Provide advanced notice for assessments
    • Be given a study guide to assist in preparing for assessments
    • Use visual presentations of verbal material, such as word webs and visual organizers
    • Use manipulatives to teach or demonstrate concepts
    • Have curriculum materials translated into a native language
    • Oral presentation of assessments

    Response accommodations:

    • Use sign language, a communication device, Braille, other technology, or a native language other than English
    • Dictate answers to a scribe
    • Use a spelling dictionary or electronic spell-checker
    • Use a word processor to type notes or give responses in class
    • Use a calculator
    • Respond directly in the test booklet rather than on an answer sheet
    • Oral response for assessments

    Setting accommodations:

    • Work or take a test in a different setting, such as a quiet room with few distractions
    • Modified seating (for example, near the teacher, away from distractions)
    • Use special lighting or acoustics
    • Take a test in a small group setting
    • Use sensory tools such as an exercise band that can be looped around a chair’s legs (so fidgety kids can kick it and quietly get their energy out)
    • Use noise buffers such as headphones, earphones, or earplugs
    • Separate location from learning environment for behavioral management
    • Station learning areas for parallel small group instruction
    • Break areas within the classroom for wellness activities
    • Separate classroom for wellness activities (reflections)

    Timing accommodations:

    • Allow extra wait time for responses
    • Extra time for task completion
    • Take frequent breaks, such as after completing a task
    • Flexibility with assignment due dates

    Scheduling accommodations:

    • Take more time to complete a project
    • Take a test at a specific time of day

    Organization skills accommodations:

    • Use an alarm to help with time management
    • Mark texts with a highlighter
    • Have help coordinating assignments in a book or planner
    • Receive study skills instruction

    Assignment modifications:

    • Complete fewer or different homework problems than peers
    • Lessen length of writing assignment
    • Modify tests and quizzes as needed - answer fewer or different test questions
    • Create alternate projects or assignments

    Curriculum modifications:

    • Differentiate instruction- implore various methods to individualize concepts.