Social Studies

  • World History                                                  ACC, CP
    An analysis of world history (1350- present) in order to understand our contemporary issues of environment, population shifts, political institutions, global markets and world religions as responsible and informed global citizens. The curriculum focuses on developing a student’s ability to use historical thinking skills to analyze and assess the development of, long-term impact of, and legacy of historical events on various groups of people around the globe.

    *AP World History                                            HON
    Develops understanding of global changes and consequences throughout history and compares ancient societies. Builds on an understanding of cultural, institutional, and technological precedents that, along with geography, set the human stage. This understanding is advanced through a combination of selective factual knowledge and appropriate analytical skills using primary sources. Students may choose to take the World History AP test in May. *Offered as RCBC CAP Course.

    *U.S. History 1                                                  HON, ACC, CP, MOD, PR
    An in-depth analysis of United States history up to Imperialism, which focuses on the social changes, territorial expansion, industrialization, and conflicts over power that helped shape the United States. *Honors offered as RCBC Cap Course. PR level is available through the Child Study Team.

    *AP U.S. History (U.S. History 2)                     HON
    An in-depth analysis of the history of the United States from Imperialism to the present, which focuses on the roles of change, conflict, diversity, scarcity, interdependence and authority in shaping and affecting the 20th Century. *HON Offered as RCBC CAP Course.

    U.S. History 2                                                    ACC, CP, PR
    An in-depth analysis of the history of the United States from the Progressive Era to the present, which focuses on the roles of change, conflict, diversity, scarcity, interdependence and authority in shaping and affecting United States history into the 21st Century. PR level is available through the Child Study Team.

    World Cultures                                                  HON, ACC, CP, PR
    Study of the geography, history and philosophies, governments, arts, economics, and social systems of the major cultural areas. Students will be able to identify and locate the political divisions and describe the physical characteristics, including climate and landforms for each of the cultural regions, from the 16th century to the present. Students will acquire a historical understanding of each cultural region including political, economic, and religious events that shaped the region with an emphasis on understanding their impact on present global situations. Students will be able to describe, compare, and analyze the elements of culture, and recognize that these elements are interrelated. Cultural regions studied are Latin America, Sub-Saharan Africa, North Africa and the Middle East, Europe and Russia, South Asia, East Asia, and Southeast Asia and the Pacific. PR level is available through the Child Study Team. 



    AP United States Government and Politics           HON
    AP United States Government and Politics studies the key concepts and institutions of the political system and culture of the United States. Students will read, analyze and discuss the U.S. Constitution and other documents as well as complete a research or applied civics project. These students will be able to take the College Board’s Advanced Placement Test and could receive college credit or advanced standing depending upon their scores and the policy of the college. *Offered as RCBC CAP Course in some locations. Talk with the Supervisor if you have questions. 

    Humanities Seminar                                           ACC
    Designed to teach students to develop their ability to see art, listen to music, and read literature. In addition to developing criteria for aesthetic judgment, the course emphasizes evaluation of the historic, social, and philosophical significance of ideas, institutions, and works of human expression. The course will demonstrate the evolution of crucial themes and ideas and relate them to current issues and attitudes. Students will develop skills necessary for communication of ideas to others.

    *AP European History                                        HON
    The study of European history since 1400 introduces students to cultural, economic, political and social developments that played a fundamental role in shaping the world today. Offered to those students who display special abilities in Social Studies.  Equivalent to a first year college course. These students will be able to take the College Board's Advanced Placement Test and could receive college credit or advanced standing depending upon their scores and the policy of the college.  *Offered as RCBC CAP Course. 

    *AP Psychology                                                 HON
    The AP Psychology course is designed to introduce students to the systematic and scientific study of the behavior and mental processes of human beings and other animals. Students are exposed to the psychological facts, principles, and phenomena associated with each of the major subfields within psychology. They also learn about the ethics and methods psychologists use in their science and practice. *Offered as RCBC CAP Course.

    Psychology                                                         ACC, CP
    Introduces student to basic concepts of the discipline of psychology. Ideas discussed promote understanding of human behavior from both a biological and social perspective. Emphasis placed on viewing psychology as a science encouraging intellectual curiosity and critical evaluation of everyday issues. 

    Current Affairs                                                   CP
    A study of current issues and events that impact the United States and world viewed through four thematic units – media, politics, domestic/social issues and U.S.-foreign relations/global issues.  The course will begin with the study of the various ways in which the media reports on current issues as well as the impact that social media has had on the way the public views current affairs.  Students will also examine the current political issues impacting our country, domestic and social issues that affect society, as well as foreign relations and global issues pertinent to the U.S. and World.

    *AP Economics:                                                  HON
    Microeconomics and Macroeconomics
    Designed for students who are excellent readers, have well-developed skills in research, written and oral communications, an awareness of current events, and a particular interest in the social sciences. This course fulfills the personal financial literacy requirement for graduation. *Offered as RCBC CAP Course.

    Focuses on the principles of economics that apply to the functions of individual decision makers, both consumers and producers, within the larger economic system. Primary emphasis is on the nature and functions of product markets, and includes the study of factor markets and of the role of government in promoting greater efficiency and equity in the economy.

    Focuses on principles of economics that apply to an economic system as a whole. Particular emphasis is on the study of national income and price-level determination, and also develops students’ familiarity with economic performance measures, economic growth and international economics. 

    Sociology                                                           ACC
    Examines and analyzes how societies, communities, and smaller groups are organized and maintained and, most importantly, how they affect human behavior. Students examine how societal elements such as class, culture, race, gender, family, medicine, business, technology, education, religion, and government affect their lives. Emphasis on deepening students' understanding of both their own experiences and the complexity of social phenomena in contemporary America society.

    World Geography                                              ACC
    Centers on the physical characteristics of the countries: location, climate, topography, products and resources, population, and trade. Skills in map analysis and interpretation of climate data are featured. 

    Human Behavior                                                PR
    Provides at-risk students with the skills needed to experience greater success both in school, in life and in the workplace. Emphasis on helping students build a  positive  self-image  by  learning  to  accept  responsibility  for  their actions, understanding the effect their actions will have on  others,  and  learning  to  build  positive  relationships based on effective communication. Available through the Child Study Team.



    *Characteristics of Knowledge Acquisition                       ACC
    This course will focus on how human beings think, process information and acquire skills. Discussion of learning philosophies and theories and applications in a variety of settings will be addressed. Methods of inquiry, reflection, motivation, creativity and critical thinking will be explored. *Offered as RCBC CAP Course.

    Constitutional Law                                              ACC
    Examines and addresses the basic rights and freedoms of American citizens, as well as issues of discrimination and criminal law. General course content outlines the history and development of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Selected Supreme Court decisions from 1803 to current time will be analyzed and discussed in a historical perspective and how they apply to current situations.

    Diverse America                                                  ACC
    This course is designed to spotlight people who are often overlooked in traditional history courses. Students will be equipped with the tools to discuss, analyze, and independently research the challenges faced and contributions made by diverse groups throughout America’s development.

    Financial Literacy                                                ACC
    This course will teach key economic principles that are necessary to properly prepare students for personal and civic financial literacy and to interact in the global community. This course fulfills the personal financial literacy requirement for graduation.

    Gender, Culture and Society                              ACC
    Students in this semester class will be able to critically analyze a variety of gender-based, contemporary social issues and be able to formulate and articulate opinions on these topics. A large emphasis is based on discussion and examining various viewpoints of each issue. This course is currently under revision. Upon Board approval, the description of the course will be modified to align with the revised curriculum and current New Jersey Student Learning Standards.

    *History of American Education
    This course provides an in-depth study of American Education from 1600 to the present, discussing preschool through post-secondary education. It focuses on the social forces, sources of conflict, major educational figures, and patterns of schooling during each time period. In addition, the course will highlight the ways in which diversity has been accommodated, marginalized and/or rejected in American education. *Offered as RCBC CAP Course.

    Modern United States Wars                                ACC 
    Examines American involvement in the major wars of the 20th Century, including the Spanish-American War, World Wars I and II, the Korean, Vietnam, and Persian Gulf wars. Analyzes and compares factors which influenced American participation in these conflicts, and examines how these wars affected American political, economic, and social institutions. Issues including the Holocaust, the internment of Japanese-Americans, and segregation in the military will be discussed. Provides in-depth look at the battles, technology, and weaponry of each war, as well a show the soldiers were viewed by Americans on the home front.

    The Native American Experience                       ACC
    The Native American Experience will allow students the opportunity to examine contributions and accomplishments of Native American individuals and communities. Emphasis will be placed on written, visual, and musical pieces developed by Native Americans.  Students will also explore the social impacts that Native Americans made in the fields of political change and environmental conservatism.  Students will have the opportunity to examine the uniqueness of Native American culture, while identifying its presence within the larger American culture and our immediate community.

    United States Foreign Affairs                              ACC
    Traces the development of American foreign policy of the Twentieth Century. Provides in-depth look at significant trends and attitudes including those of the Cold War (American-Soviet relations), the American role as the political and economic leader in the Western world, and the current and future role of America in international affairs. Issues such as nuclear weapons, global trade, and the increasing worldwide demand for oil are discussed. Examines the attacks on September 11th, the War on Terror, national security, human rights issues and awareness, and the role the United Nations plays in foreign affairs.