Choosing Your Curriculum

  • Graduation requirements are designed to give students a well-balanced program for acquiring the skills, attitudes, and knowledge needed to reach their full potential. A diversified and flexible curriculum is available. A wide range of electives, if wisely selected, will help students explore and develop their own interests and abilities. After meeting “requirements”, students may choose any subject they wish from the curriculum, being restricted only in those areas that must follow a prescribed sequence.

    Although counselors assist students in choosing curriculum and vocational options, the ultimate responsibility for this planning belongs to the student and parent/guardian(s). Accepting the right to make decisions carries responsibilities. Examine closely the contributions you are willing and able to make to a particular course, as well as the benefits you can derive. Weigh the difficulty of your total course load. Also, consider the demands of commitments outside the classroom. Make choices for the right reasons.

    When selecting courses, past performances, results on standardized tests, and future plans should be among the indicators factored into a final decision.  Parent and/or current teacher consultation is encouraged.  Parents give their approval by submitting the course requests via the online Genesis portal after discussing options with their child.

Course Selection with the Genesis Parent Module

  • Please use Genesis Parent Module to complete your course requests.

    The online course Scheduling and Request feature in Parent Module will be closed on Monday, Feb. 12.

    The Program of Studies describes requirements for graduation and college (p.3 & 9/10), schedule changes (p.7/8), and athletic eligibility guidelines (p.11/12). Please review these pages. To change any course selection after finalizing them, please email your student’s counselor by August 1.  Only errors can be adjusted in September.

    Pages 1 & 2 of the Program of Studies provides useful course planning resources to guide your selections.

    Each student's selections must fill 8 full-year periods total and 2 additional alternate courses. Up to 1 full-year period of study hall may be selected. All students will have lunch. Your student should check with his/her teachers and counselor for advice on courses and levels.

  • To become a sophomore, you must pass a minimum of 29 credits as a freshman.

    Sports Eligibility: Students must pass the equivalent of 15 credits first semester to be eligible for second semester sports.  Students must pass 30 credits before the start of the school year to be eligible for Fall and Winter sports. Honors, Accelerated, and most College Prep level courses count toward NCAA eligibility. 

    English semesterized courses are electives and do not count toward fulfilling the English graduation requirement.

    For questions about your student’s course selection, please contact your student’s guidance counselor.

    For Genesis technical help, please contact HELP@LRHSD.ORG or (856) 396-HELP (856-396-4357).