• The Lenape Regional High School District Math program, in alignment with the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards for Mathematics, prepares our students for success in college and their careers. Through completing our coursework, our students will be better able to

    1. Problem-Solving: apply and transfer autonomously and collaboratively mathematical concepts and problem- solving techniques to unfamiliar, varied and real-world situations
    2. Reasoning: reason abstractly and quantitatively by applying mathematical representations, symbols and estimation techniques when engaging in problem-solving
    3. Critical Thinking: construct and effectively communicate valid conclusions and critique the reasoning of others
    4. Modeling: demonstrate mastery of concepts by evaluating models that others have constructed or by creating appropriate models of their own
    5. Tools: identify the correct tools to solve problems, if applicable
    6. Precision: determine an answer’s appropriateness as a means of determining its validity, while using proper mathematical notation and units
    7. Structure: use multiple representations, critical thinking skills, and prior knowledge to solve problems in new situations
    8. Patterns: analyze data and recognize patterns in a variety of situations
    9. Habits of Mind: approach new situations with curiosity, persistence, resourcefulness, and confidence; take risks, monitor their progress, accept and learn from setbacks, make adjustments, and reflect on their performance

LRHSD Calculator Guidelines

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