Page Navigation
- Long Term Learning Goals
- Accounting I
- Accounting II
- Accounting III
- Accounting IV
- Advanced Web Design & Animation
- Business Communications and Applications
- Business Law
- Computer Applications
- Cooperative Business Education
- Cooperative Work Education
- Digital Animation
- Employment Strategies
- Entrepreneurship
- Exploring Introduction to Business
- Graphic Presentations
- Introduction to Business
- Marketing Education
- Personal Finance
- Sales and Marketing
- Sports, Entertainment and Hospitality Marketing
- Strategies for Success in HS & Life
- Study Skills & Career Awareness
- Video Game Design
- Web Design
- Lenape Regional High School District
- Long Term Learning Goals
The Lenape Regional High School District Business Education Department program, in alignment with the New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards for 21st Century Life and Careers, prepares students to become knowledgeable and ethical decision makers as consumers, workers, and citizens. Business Education introduces students to the basics of personal finance, the decision-making techniques needed to be wise consumers, the economic principles of an increasingly international marketplace, and the processes by which businesses operate. In addition, Business Education provides a solid educational foundation for students who want to successfully complete college programs in business disciplines. Through completing our coursework with its emphasis on project-based and practical experiences, our students will be better able to
- utilize and integrate essential communication and technical skills significant to 21st century life, work, and community
- understand financial literacy and responsibility as personal and professional members of society
- make ethical decisions needed to promote democracy and free enterprise
- evaluate careers using critical thinking and problem-solving skills to respond to changing societal and economic conditions
- analyze global interdependencies while evaluating the importance of cultural perspectives and diverse values
- apply information technology to achieve an organization’s business goals
- create authentic learning experiences to successfully transfer knowledge into real-world experiences preparing them for life and career
- use technology to extend creativity and/or improve problem-solving ability