• Health III

    Course Requirements

    Mr. Patterson – jpatterson@lrhsd.org




    1.  Notebook must be brought to class each day (usually guided notes).

    2.  Folder for all paperwork, homework assignments, tests,

         Quizzes. HOLD ON TO EVERYTHING!

    3.  Writing utensil, pen or pencil.

    4.  Any assignment turned in one day late will result in receiving

         only 50% of credit.

    5.  All make-up assignments see me personally or you will forfeit

         the opportunity to make-up assignments. Notes – get from friend.

    6.  Arrive to class on time. THIS IS YOUR WARNING!

            1. 1 late = 2 points off in "insubordination" grade. OR option to keep points by doing an exercise of MY choosing. 

            2.  2 lates = phone call home

            3.  3 lates = discipline report

    7.  Lav pass - will only be issued at the beginning/end of the class

         period.  With the exception of an emergency.

    8.  All students must remain in their seat until the bell rings.

    9.  Absolutely no writing on school property; furniture, blinds,

         walls, chairs, etc…

    10. Absolutely no use of cell phones, ipods or other electronic

         devices during the class period.

    11. Absolutely no doing work for another class in my class.

                -Will result in homework being taken and sent with an email to respective teacher as well as parent/guardian.

                -Multiple infractions will result in a discipline report.


    *Any infraction of these rules will result in an “insubordinate grade” (minus points) at my discretion.




    All grading is done on the point system.  At the end of the marking period all points earned will be calculated and divided into the maximum number of points earned.


    All grades will be 'parent accessible' through the Genesis grading program.


    Earning points:

    1.  Classwork

    2.  Homework

    3.  Test/Quizzes – classroom & Quia

    4.  Projects

    5.  Class participation

    I have read and understand the course requirements.


    Student Signature:______________________  Date:___________



    Parent Signature: _______________________ Date: __________