- Lenape Regional High School District
- Administration of Medication
Administration of Medication
This section contains important information to assist parents/guardians and the school in meeting the child’s medical needs during the school year. This site also provides information on how to access Board of Education policies, procedures and required forms for the medical issues listed below:
- Prescription or Non-Prescription Medication (other than asthma, epinephrine auto-injector, diabetic medications and Tylenol) during the school day
- Physician’s Authorization for Medication
- Asthma medication during the school day
- Physician’s Asthma Treatment Plan
- Parent Consent for Self-Administration of Medication
- Use of an epinephrine auto-injector
- Physician’s Authorization for Self-Administration of Epinephrine by Pupil
- Diabetes Medical Management Plan
- Overnight School Trip Medication Form
- Mandatory Physical for Transferring Student
- Immunization Form
Please refer to Policy 5330: Administration of Medication.
The District’s Administration of Medication policy, in response to the State’s guidelines, requires that:
- All medication, whether prescription or nonprescription “over-the-counter,” shall be administered by the school nurse.
- All medication, whether prescription or over-the-counter, shall be brought to the nurse’s office by the parent or guardian and shall be picked up at the end of the school year or the end of the period of medication, whichever is earlier. Students, regardless of age, are not permitted to carry medicine to school.
- Prescription medication shall be in the original labeled bottle or container. Ask your pharmacist to divide the medication into two completely labeled containers—one for home and one for school.
- Over-the-counter medication shall be in a fresh, unopened bottle with the original, manufacturer’s label on it.
- Along with the prescription or non-prescription “over-the-counter” medication, the parent or guardian shall bring two written documents to the nurse’s office.
- One document shall be a request from the parent or guardian and shall give permission for administration of medication and shall relieve the Board of Education and its employees of liability for such administration.
The other document shall be a written order from the legal prescriber (physician, dentist, or nurse practitioner) and shall include the name and purpose of the medication, the dosage, instructions for administration, the name of the prescriber and date.
- Over the counter acetaminophen (Tylenol), Ibuprofen, and TUMS may be administered by the school nurse/substitute employed by the district as acknowledged by the standing orders of the school physician and with the consent of the parent. Parental consent is provided upon completion and signature of the “medical emergency card” which is distributed to each student at the beginning of each school year. Administration of this medication is at the nurse’s discretion and may not exceed two consecutive days.
- The written order from the prescriber shall be effective for the length of the school year (including overnight trips) in which it was granted or the length of the period of medication, whichever is earlier.
- The district’s medication policy applies to all students, including those students 18 years of age and older.
Please take time now to plan for the coming year by obtaining and completing any necessary physician’s written orders.
If you cannot obtain the necessary forms from this website, please contact your school’s nurse’s office.
Cherokee High School
Lenape High School
Seneca High School
Sequoia Alternative Program
Shawnee High School