





    AS-400/Management of Cadet Corps/Leadership Education 400/Health and Wellness


    Course ID:                                                      794

    Credit Hours:                                                  1 (Art Credit)

    Course Teaching Schedule:                               M-F, Periods 1-6, Class 1


    Instructor:                                                       Aerospace Science: LtCol Sevening

                                                                            Leadership: MSgt Brooks


    Required Text:                                                Leadership Education 400: Fundamentals of Management

                                                                          Pearson Custom Publishing

                                                                          Copyright 2018


    Required Materials: To successfully complete this course, you will need:  Air Force textbooks and workbooks, uniform, and physical training uniform which are provided by AFJROTC. Other requirements are paper, pen, pencil, calculator, calendar, and appropriate athletic shoes.




    Semester 1 Fall/Winter: 

    Introduction to Management – Chapter 1

    • What is Management
    • Managing the Cadet Corps
    • Management and Leadership

    Project Management – Chapter 2

    Planning – Chapter 3


    Semester 2 Spring:


    Organizing and Time Management – Chapter 5

    Leading Individuals and Groups – Chapter 6


    Course objectives:


    Leadership Education IV – Principles of Management (LE400)

    1. Know the history and the importance of management.
    2. Know the techniques and skills involved in planning and decision making.
    3. Know the importance of managing change, stress, and innovation.
    4. Know the key elements of individual and group behavior, the importance of the communication process, and the characteristics of a good leader.


    Course description:


    Overview:  Each Military Science course is divided into three separate but equivalent sections of study; Aviation Science, Leadership Education, and Health and Wellness.  Each school week is divided into 3 parts; 2 days of aviation science, 2 days of leadership education, and 1 day of health and wellness usually designated as “PT” or physical training.  Cadets are required to participate in the classroom presentations, briefings and exercises, and in physical training.  Leadership Education is sub-divided into smaller sections of learning which includes team-building exercises and Air Force drill requirements.  Health and Wellness is broken down into various aspects of physical fitness from team activities to exercises in preparation for the Presidential Physical Fitness Exam.  All cadets are required and expected to wear the PT uniform and participate in the scheduled PT activities each week.


                Science:  The cadets should manage the entire corps during their fourth year in the Air Force Junior ROTC program. This hands-on experience affords cadets the opportunity to put theories of previous leadership courses into practice. Planning, organizing, coordinating, directing, controlling, and decision-making will be done by cadets. They will put into practice their communication, decision-making, personal-interaction, managerial, and organizational skills. Instructors should keep in mind that since there is no textbook for this course, the course syllabus will be structured so that cadets achieve course objectives by completing core management activities.


                Leadership:  This course provides exposure to the fundamentals of management. The text contains many leadership topics that will benefit students as well as provide them with some of the necessary skills needed to put into practice what they have learned during their time in JROTC. We are confident this course, coupled with what the cadets have already learned during their time in AFJROTC, will equip them with the qualities needed to serve in leadership positions in the corps. Throughout the text are many ethical dilemmas, case studies, and role play activities built into the lessons. These activities are based on real life experiences and will students the opportunity to practice what they learn by getting involved in discussions and expressing their opinions.  


    Health and Wellness: Cadets will utilize this time to learn the importance of keeping yourself healthy and helping others to stay healthy.  Cadets will work together in flights or teams during friendly team oriented competitions, practice drill commands, and exercise in preparation for undertaking the United States Presidential Physical Fitness Exam.   Cadets will organize and oversee an annual AFJROTC Field Day where individual flights will compete against one another while performing self-developed and initiated team-building exercises.


                General:  Each instructor reserves the right to allow cadets to lead any or all aspects of the classroom presentations.  Normally, classroom power point presentations will be taught by either instructor.  However, cadets will be called upon to develop, organize, implement, and oversee numerous activities in and out of the classroom both, during and after normal school hours.

    Cadets will be able to discuss the above listed information in class, write appropriate test questions on this information, and pass tests from the selected questions.

    Cadets will learn the vocabulary associated with the above information and incorporate it when discussing the information.

    Cadets will be able to perform the specified physical training exercises outlined by the cadet command staff and the instructors.


    Grading Information:


                The Genesis computer grading system is used for all grading requirements. Cadet grades for each marking period are divided into the following four categories:


    HW - Homework/Participation                       20%

    QUIZ - Tests/Quizzes                                    40%

    TEST - Uniform Wear                                    30%

    Physical Fitness                                             10%


    Grade Percentage Required

    A 90% and above

    B 89% - 80%

    C 79% - 70%

    D 69% - 60%

    F 59% and below


    All cadets are expected and required to participate in all aspects of each part of the program.  All cadets are expected to wear and maintain, weekly, the Air force Dress Blue uniform on the specified uniform day.  Cadets are expected and required to “dress out” in the Air force “PT” uniform during the weekly designated physical training day.  Finally, all cadets are expected to maintain grooming standards, to the best of their ability, as specified in our cadet handbook which is updated and published annually.  Each cadet receives a cadet handbook during the first week of classes.


    UNIFORM DAY: Wednesday of each week unless otherwise specified by the SASI/ASI

    Uniform wear and drill are not optional aspects of the AFJROTC Program (except for the freshmen uniform option).  They are integral parts of the “complete educational experience” that Air Force JROTC offers the high school cadet.  If the cadet does not wear their uniform, without good reason, during the specified uniform day (Wednesday of each week), the cadet will receive a “0” for their uniform grade for that week.  As listed above, uniform wear is worth 30% of the cadets’ grade for each marking period.  If a cadet does not wear their PT uniform and does not participate, without good reason, during specified PT days the cadet will receive a”0” for that weekly PT training grade.  As listed above, Physical Fitness is worth 10% of the cadets’ grade each marking period.




    1. The mission of AFJROTC is to develop citizens of character dedicated to serving their nation and community.
    2. The goals are to instill values of citizenship, give service to the United States, develop personal responsibility, and instill a sense of accomplishments in high school students.
    3. The objectives are to educate and train high school cadets in citizenship; promote community service; instill responsibility, character, and self-discipline; and provide instruction in air and space fundamentals.
    4. Additional Print Resources: None are required. However, several books and periodicals are available in the AFJROTC classroom.
    1. Online Resources: None.




    The pace of this course is determined by how each class is motivated by and interested in each specific academic area and associated subject areas. Each class can write their tests and will move at a pace commensurate with the level of coverage. After a test is approved, each class will have one week to study for the test.