• Sports Medicine Course of Study

    Final BOE Approval May 2011
    Revised October 2009


    Table of Contents

    Members of Revision Committee

    Statement of Purpose

    Program of Studies Description

    Core Content Standards

    Textbook and Resource Materials

    Course Objectives/Activities

    Content Outline/Timeline

    Proof of Proficiency


    Members of Revision Committee:

    William Roller - Cherokee

    Jody Stansbury - Lenape


    Statement of Purpose:

    The purpose of all curriculum guides is to provide direction for instruction. They identify the written outcomes in a subject and /or grade as the basis for classroom activities and student assessment. In order to achieve maximum understanding, the objectives identified as learning outcomes must be written clearly and reflect the specific learning and behavior which are expected.

    Objectives are written as major outcomes and stated to require critical thinking. Teachers should understand that they must make careful decisions about the specific sub skills and prior learning needed to reach these objectives. These professionals are encouraged to reflect with others teaching the same curriculum for this purpose and also to identify the most appropriate resources and methods of assessment. The assessments are directly aligned with the objectives. Therefore, the objectives in this guide are designed to provide direction to the teacher in order to facilitate instructional planning.

    All teachers, parents and students should be informed of the expected outcomes (i.e. objectives) for the subject and/or grade level.


    Program of Studies Description:

    Designed to allow college prep students an opportunity to learn about sports medicine, human anatomy and physiology, and various allied health professions. The course is geared towards providing the students with a strong knowledge base and hands-on skills in the area of sports medicine. Any student considering advancing their education in biology, pre-med., or related sports medicine/allied health should make this course part of their high school educational experience.

    Core Content Standards for Health and Physical Education:

    STANDARD 2.1 (Wellness)

    All students will acquire health promotion concepts and skills to support a healthy, active lifestyle.

    STANDARD 2.2 (Integrated Skills)

    All students will develop and use personal, interpersonal skills to support a healthy and active lifestyle.

    STANDARD 2.3 (Drugs and Medicines)

    All students will acquire knowledge about alcohol, tobacco, other drugs and medicines and apply these concepts to support a healthy, active lifestyle.

    STANDARD 2.4 (Human Relationships and Sexuality)

    All students will acquire knowledge about the physical, emotional and social aspects of human relationships and sexuality and apply these concepts to support a healthy, active lifestyle.

    STANDARD 2.5 (Motor Skill Development)

    All students will utilize safe, efficient and effective movement to develop and maintain a healthy, active lifestyle.

    STANDARD 2.6 (Fitness)

    All students will apply health-related and skill-related fitness concepts and skills to develop and maintain a healthy, active lifestyle.

    Textbook and Resource Materials:



    Fundamentals of Athletic Training 2nd Edition. Cartwright, Lorin A and Pitney, William A. Publisher: Human Kinetics ISBN# 0-736052585 (w/accompanying functional anatomy CD Rom)


    Field Trips:


    · Cadaver Anatomy Lab – (Hahnemann University Medical School; Philadelphia, PA

    · High School Athletic Training Room

    · Velocity Sports Performance Center – Cherry Hill, NJ


    Guest Speakers:


    · Certified Athletic Trainer

    · Physical Therapist

    · Orthopedic Surgeon

    · Podiatrist

    · Strength and Conditioning Coach

    · Chiropractor

    · Optometrist

    · Nurse

    · EMT and certified CPR Instructors

    Assorted Print and Non-Print Resources:

    Journals and Texts:

    · The Physician and Sports Medicine (McGraw-Hill)

    · Essentials of Athletic Training, 5th Edition. Daniel D. Arnheim and William E Prentice. ISBN 0-07-245760-0


    · Athletic Therapy Today: The professional Journal of Athletic Trainers and Therapists. (Human Kinetics)


    · NATA News : Journal of Athletic Training


    · Cramer First Aider (Cramer)

    · Anatomy and Physiology For Dummies (Textbook and Workbook) Wiley Publishing Company

    · Anatomy Coloring Workbook 2nd Edition The Princeton Review


    · Strength Training Anatomy 2nd Edition Frederic Delavier

    · Sports Nutrition Guidebook Nancy Clark, MS, RD

    · Sports Injuries Guidebook 2008. Gotlin, Robert (Human Kinetics)

    · Basic Athletic Training. 5th Ed. Wright ATC, Dr. Ken; Barker ATC, Scott; Whitehill ATC, Dr. William

    · Guide to Taping and Wrapping. 3rd Ed. Wright ATC, Dr. Ken; Whitehill ATC, Dr. William; Lewis ATC, Dr. Melvin

    · Instructional Text for 5th Ed. Cramer Sports Medicine Prod. # 9792872



    · Basic First Aid Burl. Co. VT 325524

    · Emergency 911 Burl. Co. VT 222151

    · Trauma & Shock Burl. Co. VT 214291

    · Spine Injury Management (Human Kinetics 2001) Lenape Physical Education Library

    · Heads UP Concussion (CDC ) Lenape Training Room

    · The Spine: The Body's Central Highway Films Media Group Lenape Library

    · Athletic Taping/Bracing (Human Kinetics) ISBN 0736063390

    · Winning Sports Nutrition 2000 (Human Kinetics) ISBN 0932913067

    · Fitness For Life 2005 (Human Kinetics) ISBN 0736062165

    · Screening For Sudden Death in Young Athletes. 2008 (Healthy Learning)

    Prod. # 82700835226

    · Preventing Environmental Heat Illnesses. 2008 (Healthy Learning)

    Prod. # 827008572991

    · Dehydration, Heat Injuries, Sports Drinks.2008 (Healthy Learning)

    Prod. # 827008087594

    · Preventing Eating Disorders in Teen Athletes. 2008 (Healthy Learning)

    Prod. # 872008077090


    · Anabolic Steroid Use: Understanding/Preventing. (Healthy Learning)

    Prod. #827008059997


    · Heads Up-Reducing The Risk of Head Injuries. NATA Prod. # 3001

    · Spine Injury. (Cramer Sports. Med.) Prod. # 6397891

    · Blood Borne Pathogens in Athletics. 2007 (Coastal Products) PPB035-DVD

    · MRSA Awareness. 2008 (Coastal Products INF 015-DVD



    · Dynamic Human: The Visual Guide to Anatomy & Physiology (McGraw-Hill)

    ISBN 0-0-235475-5

    · American Heart Association Heartsaver-AED DVD Lenape Physical Education Library

    · Sports Injuries DVD Series. (Human Kinetics) ISBN 1904369677

    · Sports Injuries 3-D software. CD-ROM (Cramer Sports Med) Prod. # 1346702

    · Athletic Training Action Software 2.0 CD- ROM (Cramer Sports Med.) Prod. # 1456868


    Assorted Internet Web Sites:

    · http://www.aap.org/ (American Academy of Pediatrics, Sports Committee)

    · http://www.sportsmed.org/ (American Orthopedic Society for Sports Medicine)

    · http://www.acsm.org/ (American College of Sports Medicine)

    · http://www.nata.org/ (National Athletic Trainer's Association)

    · http://www.nsca-lift.org/ (National Strength and Conditioning Association)

    · http://www.ncaa.org/ (National Collegiate Athletic Association, Competitive Safeguards and Medical Aspects of Sports Committee)

    · http://www.cramersportsmed.com/ (Cramer Sports Medicine)

    · http://www.esportmed.com/journals/journal.cfm?id=JSR (Journal of Sport Rehabilitation)

    · http://www.jnj.com/ (Johnson & Johnson)

    · http://www.humankinetics.com/ (Human Kinetics)

    · http://www.gssiweb.com/ (Gatorade Sports Science Institute)

    · http://www.cdc.gov/ (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)

    Topic: Sports Medicine Careers

    Objective 1: The student will be able to explore different careers and aspects of the sports medicine field 2.2 E

    Suggested Activities:

    · Explain the various components of a successful sports medicine team.

    · Complete a web quest inquiry on sports medicine related careers.

    · Design an efficient athletic training facility using a blank floor plan.

    · Create a list of rules and policies for the safe and effective operation of an athletic training facility.

    · Assess the high school training facility.

    · Appraise information from guest speakers on the various sports medicine careers.


    1. Internet webquest search on a selected sports medicine career.

    2. Create, budget and design layout of an athletic training room as a group project.

    3. Written reaction papers to guest speakers' presentations.

    4. Class work, homework, quizzes, tests.

    Topic: Anatomy and Physiology


    Objective 2: The student will be able to identify anatomy and physiology of the each major area of the body and apply that information to injury prevention, assessment, and care (2.1 A, D; 2.6 C)


    Suggested Activities:

    · Examine the Dynamic Human CD-ROM 3d visual guide to anatomy and physiology.

    · Label and color-code a diagram of the structures of the area.

    · Demonstrate the steps to recognizing and assessing injuries to each area.

    · Explain the importance of proper equipment, mechanics, fitness, and coaching in preventing injuries to each area.

    · Outline the priorities to providing care for injuries to each area.

    · Identify the steps of the SOAP Principle and how it applies to injury assessment.

    · Evaluate guest speakers' presentations on injury prevention, assessment, and care.

    · Examine videos and current materials regarding injury prevention, assessment, and care.

    · Design an informational pamphlet on concussions or other sports related injury.



    1. Create a tri-fold injury brochure.

    2. Create a Power Point and oral presentation.

    3. Evaluate using SOAP a simulated injury situation.

    4. Demonstrate knowledge of anatomical structures and positions on their body.

    5. Written reaction papers to guest speakers' presentations.

    6. Class work, homework, quizzes, tests.

    Objective 3: The student will be able to analyze and assess how factors such as nutrition, physical fitness, drugs and the environment affect athletic performance and injury prevention (2.1 C; 2.3 B; 2.6 A)

    Suggested Activities:

    · Explain how fitness training can prevent athletic injuries.

    · Compare and contrast the benefits of various fitness training methods.

    · Outline general physical fitness activities for in and out of season training.

    · Design a proper diet for a high school athlete.

    · Compare and contrast environmental illnesses.

    · Define environmental conditions that would limit/prohibit outdoor activity.

    · Describe treatment for environmental related illnesses.

    · Outline steps designed to prevent environmental related illnesses from occurring.

    · Classify types of drugs and their effects on athletic performance.

    · Write an essay that examines medical ethics versus performance enhancement drugs.

    · Complete a web quest inquiry that investigates various athletic organizations' rules on drug use/abuse.

    · List signs and symptoms of steroid use and other commonly abused substances.

    · Examine videos and current reading materials (Internet) regarding performance related drugs.


    1. Rubric for a student created 24 hour nutritious diet for their sport using MyPyramid.gov

    2. Rubric for a student created sport specific training program

    3. Written reaction papers to guest speakers' presentations.

    4. Class work, homework, quizzes, tests.

    Topic: Injury/Illness First Aid, Evaluation and Treatment


    Objective 4: The student will be able to outline the necessary steps to handling any athletic injury/illness emergencies including bloodborne pathogens protocols (2.1 A, D)

    Suggested Activities:

    · Define the aspects of a primary survey and a secondary assessment.

    · Explain the “R.I.C.E.” method.

    · Demonstrate the use of splinting materials and crutches.

    · Describe the different types of open and closed wounds.

    · Define the different bloodborne pathogens and diseases.

    · Outline the proper steps for blood exposure situations.

    · Create an efficient athletic emergency plan.

    · Examine videos and up to date Internet materials regarding emergency procedures.


    1. Written emergency plan.

    2. Rubric for a student demonstration of splinting and bandaging.

    3. Written reaction papers to guest speakers' presentations.

    4. Class work, homework, quizzes, tests.


    Objective 5: The student will be able to identify different types of sports injuries/illnesses and explain the physical and psychological aspects of the healing process of those injuries/illnesses (2.1 A, D)

    Suggested Activities:

    · Compare and contrast acute and chronic injuries.

    · Compile a list of the types of fractures.

    · Categorize the severity of various soft tissue injuries.

    · Explain the different phases of the healing process.

    · Examine videos and up to date materials on various sports related injuries.

    · Label factors that predispose an athlete to injury.

    · Classify common skin disorders and identify proper methods of treatment of each.

    · Examine the various eating disorders and identify signs and symptoms of each.

    · Examine the different injuries, illnesses and conditions that specifically pertain to the female athlete.

    · Examine the causes of menstrual irregularities that occur in the female athlete and the proper management of those conditions.

    · Describe the importance of the coach on the psychological effects of an injured or ill athlete.

    · Explain the importance of goal setting during injury rehabilitation or illness recovery.

    · Describe the relationship between the severity of an injury/illness and the psychological reaction of the athlete.

    · Create a short movie/power point presentation.


    1. Student presentation including Power Point or Movie Maker on a sports related injury or illness.

    2. Written reaction papers to guest speakers' presentations.

    3. Class work, homework, quizzes, tests.

    Topic: Rehabilitation

    Objective 6: The student will be able to analyze the principles of rehabilitation including the use of supportive taping and bracing and therapeutic modalities (2.1 D; 2.6 A)


    Suggested Activities:

    · Explain the basic types of dressings, bandages, and tapes and their uses.

    · Outline the steps to prepare a site for taping/wrapping and the steps for tape removal.

    · Demonstrate the ability to wrap and tape basic injury sites.

    • Critique videos and up to date materials on the application of dressings, bandages, and tape.
    • Appraise information from guest speakers who will present current information to the class regarding bandaging, bracing, and taping.

    · Explain the philosophy of the rehabilitation process in a sports medicine environment.

    · Identify the individual short and long term goals of a rehabilitation program.

    · Describe the criteria and the decision-making process for determining when the injured athlete may return to full activity.

    · Write an essay that explains the roles of the trainer, athlete, and coach in the rehabilitation process.

    · Visit the high school training facility to examine the various therapeutic modalities.



    1. Rubric for a student demonstration of taping/wrapping ability.

    2. Essay on the roles of the sports medicine team in rehabilitation.

    3. Written reaction papers to guest speakers' presentations.

    4. Class work, homework, quizzes, tests.

    Content Outline/Timeline

    1. Sports Medicine Careers 2-4 weeks

    2. Anatomy and Physiology 12-16 weeks

    3. Injury/Illness First Aid, Evaluation and Treatment 10-12 weeks

    4. Rehabilitation 10-12 weeks



    Proof of Proficiency:


    A student will have to have a cumulative average of 80% or better on the following assignments:


    1) A 2 page career webquest on Certified Athletic Trainer.

    2) A 2 page essay explaining the concept of the “Central Sports Medicine Team” and outlining the roles and responsibilities of each member.

    3) Demonstration of ankle compression wrapping and protective taping graded by a teacher rubric.

    4) Creation of an informational tri-fold pamphlet on concussions (using Microsoft Publisher).

    5) Mid-term Examination

    6) Final Examination