• Lenape Regional High School District

    Technology Today, Level 3 & 4 Course of Study

    Final BOE Approval May 2011

    Revised October 2009


    Table of Contents


    Members of Revision Committee


    Statement of Purpose


    Program of Studies Description


    Core Content Standards


    Textbook and Resource Materials


    Course Objectives/Activities


    Content Outline/Timeline


    Proof of Proficiency




    Members of Revision Committee






    Andy Cunard




    Janice Hart




    Charles Markovitz

    Cherokee South



    Robb Murray




    Beth Ritter

    Shawnee (Sp Ed)




    Statement of Purpose:

    The purpose of all curriculum guides is to provide direction for instruction. They identify the written outcomes in a subject and /or grade as the basis for classroom activities and student assessment. In order to achieve maximum understanding, the objectives identified as learning outcomes must be written clearly and reflect the specific learning and behavior which are expected.

    Objectives are written as major outcomes and stated to require critical thinking. Teachers should understand that they must make careful decisions about the specific sub skills and prior learning needed to reach these objectives. These professionals are encouraged to reflect with others teaching the same curriculum for this purpose and also to identify the most appropriate resources and methods of assessment. The assessments are directly aligned with the objectives. Therefore, the objectives in this guide are designed to provide direction to the teacher in order to facilitate instructional planning.

    All teachers, parents and students should be informed of the expected outcomes (i.e. objectives) for the subject and/or grade level.

    Program of Studies Description:

    Instills awareness of the technology that surrounds today's rapidly changing environment. Thinking, problem solving, and design skills developed through a variety of Technology Learn Assignments (TLAs). Students learn and apply skills in the communications, manufacturing, construction, bio-technology, and transportation areas.

    New Jersey Core Content Standards for Technology Today:

    8.1 Educational Technology

    8.2 Technology Education, Engineering, and Design

    9.1 21st Century Life Skills

    9.2 Personal Financial Literacy

    9.4 Career and Technical Education

    Textbook and Resource Materials:

    Wright, Thomas, Technology Teacher Resource Binder Goodheart, Wilcox 2004

    ISBN: 1566372666

    Wright, Thomas, Technology Student Activity Manual Goodheart, Wilcox 2004

    ISBN: 1566373751

    Wright, Thomas, Technology Teacher Resource CD Goodheart, Wilcox 2004

    Wright, Thomas, Technology Teacher Manual Goodheart, Wilcox 2004

    ISBN: 1590707214

    John B. Gradwell, Malcolm Welch, Eugene Martin, Technology: Sharing Our World. Goodheart Wilcox 2008 ISBN: 978-1-59070-722-7

    WestPoint Bridge Design Software

    Topic: Classroom Safety

    Objective 1: The student will be able to describe and demonstrate the proper safety procedures within the classroom environment

    (standards 8.1 A,C; 8.2 E,F; 9.1 F)

    Suggested Activities:

    Read, sign, and date the Safety Procedures handout thereby agreeing to abide by the lab and equipment rules specified by the Technology Education Department.


    1. Teacher observation of daily classroom practice.

    2. Objective test on safety concepts.

    Topic:The Nature of Technology and Society

    Objective 2:The student will be able to evaluate basic terminology of the five (5) areas of technology and the role of technology in our society and other fields of study

    (standards 8.1 A,B,C,D,E,F; 8.2 A,B,C,D,E,F,G; 9.1 A,B,C,E,F)

    Suggested Activities:

    Define and describe technology and its origins

    List the five (5) major areas of technology: communications technology, manufacturing technology, construction technology, transportation technology, and biotechnology (alternative energy)

    Introduce the technology systems model as a means for designing technological processes: input - process ¡V output ¡V feedback

    Cite examples of technological developments of humans including major inventions and innovations of great historical impact


    1. Technology learning activity

    2. Text Worksheets

    3. Chapter Questions

    4. Quizzes/Tests/Exams


    Topic: Design & Abilities for a Technological World

    Objective 3: The student will be able to develop a solution to a technological problem with the technological problem solving method ¡§design loop¡¨

    (standards 8.1 A,B,C,E,F; 8.2 A,B,C,D,E,F,G; 9.1 A,B,C,D,E,F; 9.4 M)

    Suggested Activities:

    List steps involved in the problem solving method: identify problem, collect information, develop possible solutions, select best solution, implement solution, evaluate solution

    Formulate a designed product with the guidance of the technological design method


    1. Technology learning activity

    2. Teacher observations

    3. Project rubrics

    4. Text Worksheets

    5. Chapter Questions

    6. Quizzes/Test/Exams

    Topic: Assets of the Designed World

    Objective 4: The students will be able to develop products which demonstrate design characteristics and the applications of various communication technologies

    (standards 8.1 A,B,C,D,E,F; 8.2 A,B,C,D,E,F; 9.1 A,B,C,D,E,F)

    Suggested Activities:

    Identification of components that make up a communication system: message, encoding media/channel, decoding, acknowledgement (optional)

    Identification and application of the principles of design: balance, proportion, contrast, harmony, unity

    Draft different sketches; thumbnails, orthographic projection drawing, renderings

    Show understanding of systems in printed graphic, photographic, telecommunications, computer and internet communications technology

    Create a design project that includes: designing a poster or logo, video production, web page design, layout design


    1. Technology learning activity

    2. Drafting criteria

    3. Text worksheets

    4. Chapter questions

    5. Quiz/Tests/Exam

    Objective 5: The students will be able to evaluate how companies produce a product safely while utilizing manufacturing technologies

    (standards 8.1 A,B,C,D,E,F; 8.2 A,B,C,D,E,F,G; 9.1 A,B,C,D,E,F; 9.2 B; 9.4 L)

    Suggested Activities:

    Research and design a product

    Differentiate types of manufacturing: custom, job-lot, mass production, just-in-time, continuous

    Identify the stages of a product's life cycle: introduction, growth, maturity, saturation, decline

    Demonstrate ability to complete production planning sheets such as: bill of materials, flow product chart, plant layout, organizing chart

    Demonstrate safety procedures with different equipment

    Develop marketing strategies and packaging

    Identify different manufacturing techniques: CNC machining, Computer Aided Manufacturing, additive/subtractive prototyping

    Appraise products that are manufactured through the assembly line process


    1. Technology learning activity

    2. Teacher observations

    3. Project rubrics

    4. Text worksheets

    5. Chapter questions

    6. Quizzes/Tests/Exams

    Objective 6: Students will be able to analyze and apply construction technologies

    (standards 8.1 A,B,C,E,F; 8.2 A,B,C,D,E,F,G; 9.1 A,B,C,D,E,F; 9.4 B)

    Suggested Activities:

     Use and describe different methods of construction

     Identify engineering principles in construction, material selection, load forces, environmental factors, building rules and regulations

    Create and design a structure to hold a load and test structures design

    Create a design project that includes: building a bridge, constructing a tower


    1. Technology learning activity

    2. Drafting criteria

    3. Text worksheets

    4. Chapter questions

    5. Quizzes/Tests/Exams

    Objective 7:Students will be able to analyze and apply transportation technologies

    (standards 8.1 A,B,C,E,F; 8.2 A,B,C,D,E,F,G; 9.1 A,B,C,D,E,F; 9.4 P)

    Suggested Activities:

     Discuss different areas of transportation: land, water, air

     Discuss and describe each of the five (5) systems that made up a transportation system: structural system, production system, suspension system, guidance system and control system

     Create a design project that includes: CO2 car racing, boat hulls, mousetrap car, magnetic levitation, airplanes


    1. Technology learning activity

    2. Drafting criteria

    3. Text worksheets

    4. Chapter questions

    5. Quizzes/Tests/Exams

    Objective 8:Students will be able to analyze medical, agricultural and related biotechnologies

    (standards 8.1 A,B,C,E,F; 8.2 A,B,C,D,E,F,G; 9.1 A,B,C,D,E,F; 9.4 A,H)

    Suggested Activities:

     Critique the advances in different areas of technology: agriculture, food-processing, and medical and health technologies

     Research an area in the biotechnology and present material researched; possible topics could be: cloning, lasik eye surgery, agricultural grafting

     Research a topic in the area of alternative energy and present material researched; possible topics could include: bio-fuels, hydrogen production, geothermal energy


    1. Technology learning activity

    2. Text worksheets

    3. Chapter questions

    4. Quizzes/Tests/Exams

    Content Outline/Timeline:

    Safety and What is Technology? 2 week

    Role of Technology in our Society 1 week

    Evolution of Technology 2 weeks

    Technological Problem Solving Strategies 3 weeks

    Communication Technologies 4 weeks

    Manufacturing Technologies 6 weeks

    Construction Technologies 6 weeks

    Transportation Technologies 8 weeks

    Medical, Agriculture, and Biotechnologies 4 weeks

    Proof of Proficiency

    A student will have to have a cumulative average of 80% or better on the following assignments:

    1. Midterm Exam

    2. Final Exam

    3. Demonstrations of Technology Learning Activities

    4. Creation of documentation to support designed products.