Rules and Guidance
Keys to success: Successful students come to class every day, participate wholeheartedly with their flight, wear the AFJROTC uniform and physical training uniform when required, and are prepared with all materials and tasks ready when they walk into the room.
Attendance/Tardiness/Truancy: Daily attendance is essential for individual academic success and for Flights to work effectively in AFJROTC. (Refer to Attendance Regulations/Tardy/Truancies Policies in the student handbook and on the school web site).
Honesty: Students are expected to be honest and trustworthy in all their endeavors. Students must abide by the LRHSD Internet acceptable use agreement. Plagiarism or cheating in any form is not acceptable. Plagiarism or cheating will result in a grade of zero for the assignment.
Class Policies: All policies published in the Seneca HS Student/Parent Handbook are followed.
Expectations – Consequences
Attendance/Tardiness/Truancy: Daily attendance is essential for individual academic success and for Flights to work effectively in AFJROTC. (Refer to Attendance Regulations/Tardy/Truancies Policies in the student handbook and on the school web site).
Honesty: Students are expected to be honest and trustworthy in all their endeavors. Students must abide by the Seneca HS Internet acceptable use agreement. Plagiarism or cheating in any form is not acceptable. Plagiarism or cheating will result in a grade of zero for the assignment.
Classroom policies: Seneca students are respectful and aware of themselves, all other persons, the classroom and all the materials in the classroom. Do not say "Yeah" to your SASI or ASI, be respectful to classmates by addressing higher ranking members as "Sir, or "Ma'am". Say "Yes Sir", or "No Sir", or "Yes Ma'am", or "No Ma'am" when answering a question. No profanity is permitted, no cell phones are allowed out during class.
Homework/Assignments: Many assignments are submitted as a Word document or PowerPoint presentation through e-mail to the instructor, some units require oral recitations and some require completion of a handout. It is important for students to complete assignments and projects on time. No late work will be accepted.
Additional Class Policies: Letters, to be signed by parents, explaining classroom rules, fees, AFJROTC uniforms, physical training uniforms, and an AFJROTC Physical Health Screening Questionnaire are sent home during the first week of school or when the student enrolled in AFJROTC.