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- Algebra I Support Lab
Lenape Regional High School District
Algebra I Support Lab Course of Study
Table of Contents
Members of Revision Committee
Statement of Purpose
Program of Studies Description
Textbook and Resource Materials
Unit 1: Expressions, Equations, Inequalities
Unit 2: Linear Functions
Unit 3: Solving Systems of Linear Equations
Unit 4: Exponential Functions
Unit 5: Quadratic Functions
Unit 6: Polynomials
Unit 7: Radicals
Members of Revision Committee
Statement of Purpose
The purpose of all curricula is to provide direction for instruction. They identify the written outcomes in a subject and /or grade as the basis for classroom activities and student assessment. In order to achieve maximum understanding, the objectives identified as learning outcomes must be written clearly and reflect the specific learning and behavior which are expected.
Objectives are written as major outcomes and stated to require critical thinking. Teachers should understand that they must make careful decisions about the specific sub skills and prior learning needed to reach these objectives. These professionals are encouraged to reflect with others teaching the same curriculum for this purpose and also to identify the most appropriate resources and methods of assessment. The assessments are directly aligned with the objectives. Therefore, the objectives in this guide are designed to provide direction to the teacher in order to facilitate instructional planning.
All teachers, parents and students should be informed of the expected outcomes (i.e. objectives) for the subject and/or grade level.
Program of Studies Description
Algebra I Support Lab is designed to provide additional support, tools and strategies for students enrolled in Algebra I who are identified as in need of support in Algebra I. Credits for this course do not satisfy math requirements for graduation. This is a pass/fail course. The student must be concurrently enrolled in Algebra I to take this course.
Textbook and Resource Materials
Common Core State Standards for Math
Infinite Software (Downloaded on all computers)
TI-Nspire Calculator Website - TI-Nspire CX required (NOT CAS Model)
School 21 (see coordinator for membership purchase)
Desmos (FREE registration for student activities)
Pizzazz (Algebra I PDF workbook)
Teachers Pay Teachers (website to download/purchase teacher made activities – free registration)
Kahoot (website with premade/make your own games for student review – requires students to use cell phone)
Quizzizz (FREE self-paced quizzes for students)
LearnZillion (FREE notes presentations with practice problems for students)
Unit 1: Expressions, Equations, Inequalities
Objective 1: Students will be able to develop a study/organizational plan, master basic math arithmetic, and perform TI-Nspire skills to foster their success in Algebra I and all academic classes.
Standard A-SSE: 1a; N-Q: 1, 2, 3; CRP6
Suggested Activities:
Beginning of the year activities:
- Check accessibility for the following: student email, genesis grading module
- Recommendation: weekly checks of genesis grades
- Develop a student folder/portfolio
- Recommendation: teacher should keep a portfolio in the classroom of the student’s work
- Provide students with PSAT information
- Describe what it is and what it is used for
- State when they will take it
- Show them how to access study materials and practice tests
- Explain how it is graded/scored
- PSAT Prep – Sample questions – Personalized Study with Khan Academy
- Teacher should incorporate PSAT prep throughout the year, especially the beginning months as the PSAT will be administered in October.
- Formulate a class discussion based upon the following questions and have the students design an individualized organizational system and study plan for Algebra I. Teacher should review student’s plan and give feedback.
- How do schedules benefit daily life?
- Why is it important to be organized?
- How will I be more effective if I am organized?
- What is the best organizational strategy for me?
- Why is it necessary to prepare for tests?
- How do I prepare for tests?
- What test strategy works best in certain situations?
- Bookmark/Favorite websites/resources from the ‘Textbook and Resource Materials’ section to student computers
- Khan Academy – free teacher registration; create an online classroom and add students to it
- Students should take a pre-test to assess current skill level/knowledge base – Aleks, pencil/paper test
- Algebra I TI-Nspire Skills
- TI-Nspire scavenger hunt to get comfortable using the calculator
- Evaluate an expression using exponents, square-roots, fractions, parentheses, brackets
- Change fraction to decimal and reverse
- Clear scratch pad
- Graph a line, inequality, system of linear inequalities
- Get into and out of Press to Test Mode
- Graph a system of equations and find point of intersection
- Teacher should give a weekly, cumulative skill sheet to review past concepts (example: spiral/mixed review)
- Aleks, Infinite Software, Quizzizz, etc.
- TI-Nspire scavenger hunt to get comfortable using the calculator
Objective 2: Students will be able to add, subtract, multiply, divide and state the opposite and the absolute value of real numbers. Students will compare real numbers using the number line. Students will combine like terms and use the distributive property to evaluate and simplify variable expressions.
Standard A-SSE: 1a
Suggested Activities:
- Khan Academy Video “Combining Like Terms”
- Distributive Property Puzzle by Idea Galaxy (9th grade – Algebra – Distributive Property Puzzle – FREE)
- Create number line to hang in the room and provide various numbers in different forms (decimals/fractions/integers) and place in numerical order
- Design a visual aid to show the different rules for adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing integers (example: adding two negatives = negative)
- Create index cards with like terms and have students group/match cards
- Evaluate expressions involving the distributive property and check solutions with a partner
- Teacher should give a weekly, cumulative skill sheet to review past concepts (example: spiral/mixed review)
- Aleks, Infinite Software, Quizzizz, etc.
Objective 3: Students will be able to evaluate expressions using the order of operations and check given solutions to equations and inequalities. Students will be able to use verbal and algebraic models to represent real-life situations. They will translate and evaluate expressions and write equations that model real-life situations.
Standards A-SSE: 1a,1b; A-CED: 1, 3; A-REI: 1, 3; F-IF: 1, 2
Suggested Activities:
- Desmos Activity – Order of Operations (“Twin Puzzles”)
- Khan Academy Practice/Video “Solutions of Inequalities – Algebraic”
- LearnZillion “Represent real life scenarios by writing numerical and algebraic expressions”
- Integers and Evaluating Expressions Mini Quiz by Miss Jude Math (9th grade – Algebra – Integers and Evaluating Expressions Mini – FREE)
- Unit 1 vocabulary (refer to Algebra I curriculum) – notecards (matching game/memorizing), definitions, vocabulary quiz
- Practice pre-algebra skills: integer operations, fractions, decimals, times tables
- Use cut-outs of the steps for order of operation problems and have students put them in the correct order
- Use a scale to demonstrate balance in solving equations
- Construct a table with verbal expressions and their corresponding mathematical symbols
- Teacher should give a weekly, cumulative skill sheet to review past concepts (example: spiral/mixed review)
- Aleks, Infinite Software, Quizzizz, etc.
Objective 4: Students will be able to solve linear equations in one variable using the properties of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. They will solve multi-step equations involving variables on both sides that have whole numbers, decimals, and fraction coefficients. Students will use equations to solve problems involving ratios, rates, and percents. Students will also learn to solve formulas for a specified variable. Students will be able to set up and solve word problems involving consecutive integers.
Standards A-CED: 1, 3, 4; A-REI 1, 3
Suggested Activities:
- Khan Academy Video “Sums of Consecutive Integers”
- Desmos Activity – Solving Multi-Step Equations (“Smallest Solution”)
- Solving Equations Review by Mitchell’s Math Madhouse (9th grade – Algebra – Solving Equations Review – FREE)
- Solving Equations Word Problem Match (9th grade – Algebra – Solving Equations Word Problem Match – FREE)
- Create a foldable/poster/notecard describing each step involved in solving a multi-step equation
- Scavenger hunt on solving equations by Robert Duncan (9th grade – Algebra – Solving Equations Scavenger Hunt – FREE)
- Consecutive Integers word problems WKST
- Teacher should give a weekly, cumulative skill sheet to review past concepts (example: spiral/mixed review)
- Aleks, Infinite Software, Quizzizz, etc.
Unit 2: Linear Functions
Objective 1: Students will be able to graph linear equations when given a table of values, intercepts, two points, or a point and a slope. Students will identify equations of vertical, horizontal, parallel and perpendicular lines. Students will distinguish the difference between a relation and a function and use correct function notation.
Standards A-REI: 10, 11, F-IF: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7a
Suggested Activities:
- Unit 2 vocabulary (refer to Algebra I curriculum) – notecards (matching game/memorizing), definitions, vocabulary quiz
- Khan Academy Video “Testing if a Relationship is a Function”
- Battleship Activity by Brittany Kiser – Common Core Graphing on a Coordinate Plane (9th grade – Algebra – Common Core Graphing on a Coordinate Plane – FREE)
- Kahoot – 10 Questions – use as quick review, warm-up, or ticket to leave “Parallel and Perpendicular Lines”
- Pyramid/Vocab Ladder – Two students sit across from each other. One student has a ladder or a pyramid in front of them with vocab words. One student tries to get the other student to guess the word they are describing and they try to move up the ladder or pyramid and get to the top.
- Students graph linear equations on white boards and hold up for teacher approval
- Review all parts of the coordinate plane and practice plotting points
- Plot points to create a picture on a coordinate plane (Review)
- Matching points to coordinates (Review) (Pg. 144 – “What happened to the burglar when he broke into the tuba factory?”)
- Apply the definitions of functions and relations to determine if a graph is a function or a relation
- TI-Nspire – Analyze linear equations and their graphs “Algebra I: Graphing Linear Equations”
- Teacher should give a weekly, cumulative skill sheet to review past concepts (example: spiral/mixed review)
- Aleks, Infinite Software, Quizzizz, etc.
Objective 2: Students will be able to write linear equations using standard form, point-slope form, and slope-intercept form. They will find the equation of a line using two points and find equations of parallel and perpendicular lines.
Standards A-CED 1, 2, 3; F-IF: 6
Suggested Activities:
- Design a poster to define and give examples of each of the three forms of equations (slope intercept, point slope, and standard form)
- Identify different forms used for linear equations and what key components are needed to write the equation in that form – example: what do you need for point slope form? A point and a slope.
- Explain the relationship between the slopes of parallel or perpendicular lines
- Khan Academy Mini-Quiz/Video “Write Equations of Parallel and Perpendicular Lines”
- Desmos Activity – Write an equation in slope intercept form to successfully land a plane on a runway (“Land the Plane”)
- Desmos Activity – Writing/Analyzing an equation in slope intercept form and point slope form (“Match My Line”)
- Teacher should give a weekly, cumulative skill sheet to review past concepts (example: spiral/mixed review)
- Aleks, Infinite Software, Quizzizz, etc.
Objective 3: The student will be able to solve linear inequalities in one variable, including compound inequalities using properties of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Students will also graph linear inequalities in one and two variables.
Standards A-REI 3, 12
Suggested Activities:
- Unit 2 vocabulary (refer to Algebra I curriculum) – notecards (matching game/memorizing), definitions, vocabulary quiz
- Complete a single step of a multi-step problem, and then rotate to another problem posted in another location around the room until the class has completed all problems (carousel activity)
- Solving and Graphing Linear Equations and Linear Inequalities BINGO Review Game by Math in Maine – Common Core Graphing on a Coordinate Plane (9th grade – Algebra – Solving and Graphing Linear Equations and Linear Inequalities BINGO Review Game – FREE)
- Khan Academy Video “Solving and Graphing Linear Inequalities”
- Kahoot – Solving and Graphing Inequalities “Linear Inequalities” by ctaylor77
- Verifying Solutions to Linear Inequalities WKST
- Create graphic organizer to explain the differences and similarities in solving a multi-step equation and a multi-step inequality
- Generate linear inequalities then exchange papers and solve
- Explore and graph linear inequalities using TI-Nspire
- Create mock quizzes for a fictional class and have students take the quiz
- Match graphs of solutions to unsolved inequalities
- Graph inequalities using graph paper and/or a graphing calculator and compare with a partner
- Ticket to leave: Explain why and when the inequality symbol changes directions in an inequality
- Teacher should give a weekly, cumulative skill sheet to review past concepts (example: spiral/mixed review)
- Aleks, Infinite Software, Quizzizz, etc.
Unit 3: Solving systems of linear equations
Objective 1: Students will be able to solve a system of two linear equations by graphing, substitution, and linear combination. Students will use systems of linear equations to solve word problems and solve systems of linear inequalities by graphing.
Standards A-CED: 3; A-REI: 5, 6
Suggested Activities:
- TI-Nspire activity “Solving Systems by Graphing” – use as a warm-up/exit ticket
- Desmos Activity – Solving systems of equations graphically and algebraically (“Solutions to Systems of Linear Equations”)
- Solving Systems of Linear Equations Foldable by Mrs MATH – Common Core Graphing on a Coordinate Plane (9th grade – Algebra – Solving Systems of Linear Equations Foldable – FREE)
- Khan Academy Video “Systems of Equations with elimination (and manipulation)”
- Khan Academy Notes/Practice “Systems of Equations with substitution”
- Solving Systems of Equations Word Problems WKST
- Pizzazz WKSTS (pages: 161 – 169)
- Unit 3 vocabulary (refer to Algebra I curriculum) – notecards (matching game/memorizing), definitions, vocabulary quiz
- Complete a single step of a multi-step problem, and then rotate to another problem posted in another location around the room until the class has completed all problems (Carousel activity)
- Create a graphic organizer to show different methods of solving systems of equations with tips on when to use a particular method
- Solve real world problems using systems of equations by graphing
- Identify the mistake for an incorrectly solved substitution or linear combination problem
- Solve a system of equations by a specified method and compare answers with groups or individuals who used a different method
- Given a system of equations, solve using each method
- Graph systems of linear inequalities on a coordinate plane
- Use the TI-Nspire to check your solutions after solving a system of equations algebraically
- Describe three possible outcomes when solving a system of linear
equations and describe the graph of each - Teacher should give a weekly, cumulative skill sheet to review past concepts (example: spiral/mixed review)
- Aleks, Infinite Software, Quizzizz, etc.
Unit 4: Exponential Functions
Objective 1: Students will be able to multiply and divide expressions with exponents, including zero and negative exponents.
Standards N-RN: 1, 2; F-IF: 8b; A-SSE 3c
Suggested Activities:
- Unit 4 vocabulary (refer to Algebra I curriculum) – notecards (matching game/memorizing), definitions, vocabulary quiz
- Free Properties of Exponents Foldable by Sine Sisters – notes for students (9th grade – Algebra – Free Properties of Exponents Foldable – FREE)
- Kahoot – “Basic properties of exponents” by JenDeWitt
- Using properties of Exponents WKST
- Describe how to simplify an expression that contains negative/zero exponents
- Explain when to utilize addition, multiplication and subtraction to simplify expressions involving exponents
- Create a poster/graphic organizer to display the rules of exponents
- Teacher should give a weekly, cumulative skill sheet to review past concepts (example: spiral/mixed review)
- Aleks, Infinite Software, Quizzizz, etc.
Objective 2: Students will be able to analyze the graph of an exponential function in the forms and and determine if it is a growth or decay. Students will be able to identify the value the graph is approaching (horizontal asymptote).
Standards N-RN: 1, 2; F-IF: 8b; A-SSE 3c
Suggested Activities:
- TI-Nspire Activity - Exploring characteristics of Exponential Functions
- Khan Academy Quiz/Video – Matching graphs to functions “Graphs of Exponential Growth”
- Kahoot – Analyzing exponential graphs and functions “Exponential Functions” by taymikesich
- Teacher should give a weekly, cumulative skill sheet to review past concepts (example: spiral/mixed review)
- Aleks, Infinite Software, Quizzizz, etc.
Unit 5: Quadratic Functions
Objective 1: Students will be able to analyze the graph of a quadratic function in standard form, vertex form, and intercept form. They will be able to identify the x and y intercepts, the vertex, and any transformations including a dilation, shift up/down, shift left/right, and/or a reflection of the graph.
Standards F-IF: A 1, 2, 3; C 7a, 9
Suggested Activities:
- Unit 5 vocabulary (refer to Algebra I curriculum) – notecards (matching game/memorizing), definitions, vocabulary quiz
- TI-Nspire Activity – Explore Zeros of a Quadratic Function
- TI-Nspire Activity – Explore Transformations of a Quadratic Function
- Desmos Activity – Writing and analyzing the equation of a quadratic function by exploring transformations (“Match My Parabola”)
- Kahoot – Analyzing graphs of quadratic functions “Quadratic Functions” by chriskorea
- Teacher should give a weekly, cumulative skill sheet to review past concepts (example: spiral/mixed review)
- Aleks, Infinite Software, Quizzizz, etc.
Unit 6: Polynomials
Objective 1: Students will be able to add, subtract, and multiply polynomial expressions. Students will factor polynomial expressions and use factoring to solve quadratic equations.
Standards A-SSE: 2, 3a, 3c; A-APR: 1, 3; A-REI 4b
Suggested Activities:
- Unit 6 vocabulary (refer to Algebra I curriculum) – notecards (matching game/memorizing), definitions, vocabulary quiz
- Factoring Polynomials Graphic Organizer – notes for students (9th grade – Algebra – Factoring Polynomials Graphic Organizer – FREE)
- Operations with Polynomials Puzzle by Jennifer Merker (9th grade – Algebra – Operations with Polynomials Puzzle – FREE)
- Khan Academy Video “Finding the Factors of a Number”
- Quizzizz – “Factoring Trinomials” by sgenzer
- GCF Free Download Greatest Common Factor Task Cards by Gotta Luv It Creations (9th grade – Algebra – GCF Free Download Greatest Common Factor Task Cards – FREE)
- Finding the GCF WKST Practice
- Pizzazz WKSTS – Factoring Trinomials (pages 80 – 92)
- Khan Academy Video “Greatest Common Factors of Monomials”
- Khan Academy Video “Factoring Quadratics with a Common Factor” – GCF first then factoring a trinomial
- Solve by factoring WKST
- List of Factors Reference Sheet “Factoring (list of factors 1-100)” by Rachel Owen (9th grade – Algebra – List of Factors Reference Sheet – FREE)
- Review combining like terms and multiplication/division properties of exponents
- Employ Punnett Square as a method to multiply polynomial expressions (box method)
- Evaluate polynomial expressions spread around the room as they rotate with a partner (carousel activity)
- Explain how to factor a trinomial where a = 1 and a ≠ 1
- Teacher should give a weekly, cumulative skill sheet to review past concepts (example: spiral/mixed review)
- Aleks, Infinite Software, Quizzizz, etc.
Unit 7: Radicals
Objective 1: Students will be able to approximate square roots, evaluate square roots, and simplify radicals with/without variables. Students will add, subtract, multiply, and divide radical expressions.
Standards N-RN: 1, 2; A-SSE: 2
Suggested Activities:
- Unit 7 vocabulary (refer to Algebra I curriculum) – notecards (matching game/memorizing), definitions, vocabulary quiz
- Simplifying Radicals Matching Cards by Math and Glitter – NO variables (9th grade – Algebra – Simplifying Radicals Matching Cards – FREE)
- Kahoot – Simplifying Radicals WITH Variables “Simplifying Radicals” by Ishaubach
- Khan Academy Video – “Simplifying Radicals”
- Khan Academy Practice/Video – “Simplify square-roots (variables)”
- Perfect Square and Square Root Flash Cards (9th grade – Algebra – Perfect Square and Square Root Flash Cards – FREE)
- Operations with Radicals WKST
- Quizzizz – Adding and Subtracting Radicals “4.1.2 Adding and Subtracting Radicals” by mrcoachcollins
- Pizzazz WKSTS – Operations on Radicals (pages 207 – 216)
- Simplify Radical Expressions Coloring WKST
- Review listing factors of a given number and factor tree/prime factorization
- Evaluate square root and radical expressions posted around the room (carousel activity), rotating through all posted problems
- Utilize the calculator to find approximations for square roots
- Organize square roots (with and without leading numbers) from least to greatest. (estimation line-up)
- Develop a list of the perfect squares to aid in approximating values of the square roots of non-perfect squares
- 3-2-1. Simplify 3 non-perfect square roots, approximate the value of 2 non-perfect square roots, simplify 1 pair of square roots using multiplication
- Create sample quiz/test questions in groups for classmates to solve
- List the two whole numbers a non-perfect square will fall in between
- Teacher should give a weekly, cumulative skill sheet to review past concepts (example: spiral/mixed review)
- Aleks, Infinite Software, Quizzizz, etc.
- Check accessibility for the following: student email, genesis grading module