• Credits Needed to Determine Eligibility to Play


    First Semester Eligibility:

    To be eligible for athletic competition during the first semester (September 1 to January 31,) a pupil must have passed 25% of the credits (30 out of 120,) required by the State of New Jersey for graduation during the immediately preceding academic year.


    Second Semester Eligibility:

    To be eligible for athletic competition during the second semester (Feb. 1 to June 30), a pupil must have passed the equivalent of 121 /2% of the credits (15 out of 120) required by New Jersey for graduation at the close of the preceding semester (Jan. 31). Full-year courses shall be equated as one-half of the total credits to be gained for the full year to determine credits passed during the immediately preceding semester.  


    **Please click on the "Quick Links" link on the left for directions to register for a sport, submitting physical paperwork, and payment of participation fees.  Thank you!