

Degrees and Certifications:


Lenape High School, Class of 2024

Activities: I have been in Smoke Signal, DECA, Class Council, and Interact for all four years. Within these activities, I am currently DECA's Vice President of Competition and Leadership, I have been the Smoke Signal's Editor-in-Chief since 2021, and I was Class President from 2020-2023. I have also been in National Honor Society since 2022 and Spanish Honor Society since 2021. I also just joined the Varsity Girls Bowling Team!

Honors/Awards: 9th Grade Math Award (2021), People's Choice Award (2023), 11th Grade Math Award (2023), 11th Grade DECA Award (2023), Seal of Biliteracy (Spanish) (2023), AP Scholar with Honor (2023), DECA 1st Place Overall in Food Marketing (District Conference) (2023), DECA 3rd Place Overall in Food Marketing (State Conference) (2023), Principal's List & Honor Roll (2020-2024), 3 Pop Star Awards, Perfect 6.0 GPA (2024), Perfect 800 Math SAT, Spanish Global Seal of Biliteracy (2024), K. Kiki Konstantinos Foundation Scholarship

Community Service: Within Lenape, I'm involved in National Honor Society and Interact club, both of which I do various community service activities with (at least 2 per month). Outside of Lenape, I have volunteered every summer since 2018 at a daycare center I used to attend. I also write cards to children around the world with special needs, and I'm a math tutor. Additionally, this past summer, I organized an English tutoring program at a church in Taiwan my family goes to where we taught students aged 11-70 English communication skills that they can use in their everyday lives and on missionary trips.

Post-Secondary Education: University of Pennsylvania

Major: Health and Societies

Career Aspirations: I have always known that I wanted to be a doctor, specifically a surgeon. Additionally, I hope to be involved in hospital administration, where I can work to make healthcare more equitable and affordable.

"Lenape has prepared me for success in so many different ways. I have taken 15 AP classes, all of which taught me to take charge of my own education. With the help of my teachers, I learned to stay organized, work hard, and always yearn to learn. Lenape's vast club opportunities have also taught me valuable life skills, such as how to work with others, time management, creativity, business skills, and leadership. There is not a single activity I have been in that did not teach me something. Through Lenape's classes, activities, students, and staff, I truly feel prepared for the future."