• Lenape Regional High School District

    Counseling Department Course of Study

    BOE Approved May 2009


    Table of Contents

    Members of Revision Committee                                                 

    Statement of Purpose

    Program of Studies Description

    Core Content Standards

    Textbook and Resource Materials

    Course Objectives/Activities

    Content Outline/Timeline

    Proof of Proficiency

Members of Revision Committee


    Statement of Purpose:


    The purpose of all curriculum guides is to provide direction for instruction.  The purpose of this guide is to focus on what all students; from 9-12th grade should know, understand and be able to do in these three domain areas: academic, career and personal/social.  The school counseling program helps all students achieve success in school and develop into contributing members of society.  The counseling curriculum will be preventive in design, developmental in nature and an integral part of the total education program.

    Program of Studies Description:

    The school counseling program ensures effective strategies that are employed to meet stated student success and achievement.  The counseling program focuses on benefits for students, parents/guardians, teachers and administrators.


    Core Content Standards for School Counseling:


      2.1 (academic) Enables educators to adjust instructional strategies

            based on knowledge of how students learn and develop.

      2.2 (Personal/Social) Enables educators to plan and design 

            approaches and strategies to support the intellectual, social and

            personal development of each learner.

      2.3 (Academic/Career/Personal/Social) Assists educators to recognize

            students’ strengths and potential.

      2.4 (Academic/Career/Personal/Social) Enables educators to respect

            students’ talents, abilities and perspectives.

    12.1 (Personal/Social) Assists educators in establishing relationships

            and partnerships with parents and families.

    Textbook and Resource Materials:  

    Computer-Based Programs:


    Microsoft Outlook



    • My Profile
    • My Resume
    • Explore Careers
    • Interest Inventory
    • College Search
    • College Scattergram
    • Scholarship Match




    The ABC’s of College Planning, The NJ Association for College Admissions Counseling

    Managing Sudden Traumatic Loss in the Schools, Underwood and Dunne-Maxim

    The Gatekeepers:  Inside the Admissions Process of a Premier College, Steinberg

    Fundamentals of College Admission Counseling, National Association for College Admission Counseling

    College Unranked:  Ending the College Admissions Frenzy, Thacker

    Colleges That Change Lives:  40 Schools That Will Change the Way You Think About Colleges, Pope

    Cool Colleges:  For the Hyper-Intelligent, Self-Directed, Late Blooming, and Just Plain Different, Asher

    K & W Guide to Colleges for Students with Learning Disabilities, Princeton Review

    The Official Catholic College & University Guidebook, The National CCAA

    Group Counseling For School Counselors:  A Practical Guide, Brigman and Goodman

    Pre-Referral Intervention Manual

    Rugg’s Recommendations on Colleges, Rugg

    The College Board College Handbook

    College Board Guide to Getting Financial Aid

    Funding Education Beyond High School

    School Guide:  Gateway to Your Future

    Federal School Code List

    Peterson’s Four-Year Colleges

    Peterson’s Two-Year Colleges

    Occupational Outlook Handbook, U.S. Bureau of Labor

    U.S. News & World Report

    Princeton Review





















    The School Counselors also utilize the websites of colleges, universities, career/technical schools and military branches on a regular basis.

    Course Topics/Objectives/Activities/Assessments:

    Topic:  Academic Development


    Objective 1: 


    The students will acquire the attitudes, knowledge and skills that contribute to their success in school by demonstrating a positive academic self-concept.


    Suggested Activities:


    • The student will display a positive interest in learning.
    • The student will identify attitudes and behaviors that leads to successful learning.
    • The student will meet with the counselor to review credits, academic units and graduation requirements.
    • The student will review grades at interims and marking periods and may meet with their counselor.
    • The student will be encouraged to identify their strengths and recognize areas in need of improvement as an essential part of the learning process and to foster a positive solution for academic mastery.




    1.      The counselor will use computer-based technology to review the student’s academic status.

    2.      The counselor may initiate contact with the teacher, parent, administrator and/or CST.

    3.      The counselor will review the program adjustment process with the student and the parent as warranted.

    4.      The counselor may submit a referral to I & R  S committee for a review.


    Objective 2:


    Students will be able to acquire skills for effective learning.


    Suggested Activities:


    • The student will demonstrate how effort and persistence positively affect learning.
    • The student will apply time-management and task-management skills.
    • The student will capitalize on their learning styles to positively influence school performance.
    • The student will organize and apply academic information generated from faculty, family and peers.
    • The student may be offered alternative methods of learning to enable them to grow beyond the traditional setting of high school.




    1.      The counselor may review a study skills guide for students, arrange a peer tutor, assist the student in arranging extra-help sessions, and/or a subject area tutor.

    2.      The student will be issued an agenda book and participate in scheduled counseling appointments to review academic progress.

    3.      Using computer-based technology; the student will take a learning style inventory and then review and interpret the results.

    4.      The counselor may adjust the student’s schedule based upon collective parent, faculty and student input.

    5.      The counselor may explain the resources available through Option 2.

    6.      The counselor may utilize resources including faculty input, teacher reports,

          I & R S, 504 plans and CST services.


    Objective 3:


    Students will be able to establish challenging academic goals in high school.


    Suggested Activities:


    • The counselors will do classroom presentations in the sending districts.
    • Students will select high school courses reflecting the student’s educational goals.
    • The student will demonstrate attitudes and behaviors that lead to successful learning.  The student may meet with the counselor when referred by teachers, administrators and parents.
    • The student will demonstrate the ability to work independently, as well as the ability to work cooperatively with other students.
    • The student will demonstrate dependability, productivity and initiative.
    • The student will meet the high school state and district graduation requirements for graduation.
    • The student will utilize assessment results in educational planning.
    • The student will apply knowledge of aptitudes and interests to goal setting.
    • The student will demonstrate an understanding of the value of lifelong learning as essential to seeking, obtaining and maintaining life goals.
    • The student will understand how school success and academic achievement enhance future career opportunities and prepare students to transition from student to community member.




    1.      The students/parents/guardians may attend a curriculum program for incoming freshman.

    2.      The counselor may address concerns about a student’s progress through a school conference.

    3.      The counselor will assist students in initiating and maintaining a technology-based portfolio throughout their high school career.

    4.      The student will schedule and attend counseling appointments, submit required materials in a timely manner, monitor their grades and seek assistance as needed.

    5.      The counselor may adjust student’s schedules including remedial classes based on state and/or district testing.

    6.      The counselor may assist in test assessment.

    7.       The student will utilize and maintain a computer-based technology portfolio including a profile, resume, exploring careers, an interest inventory and college search.

    Topic:   Career Development

    Objective 1:

    The student will develop and acquire the skills to investigate careers in relation to knowledge of self and making informed decisions.

    Suggested Activities:

    §  The student will develop skills to locate, evaluate and interpret career information.

    §  The student will develop an awareness of personal abilities, skills, interests and motivation.

    §  The student will develop a positive attitude toward work and learning.

    §  The student will pursue and develop competency in areas of interest.

    §  The student will understand the importance of responsibility, dependability, punctuality, integrity and effort in school and the workplace.



    1.      The counselor will assist the student in the use of computer-based technology to complete a comprehensive personality, interest and career inventory.

    2.      The counselor may assist the students in the career center as available.

    3.      The counselor will facilitate a group information session on careers using a computer-based technology program.

    4.      The counselor will monitor students who demonstrate poor work ethic, tardiness, social concerns and who may respond negatively to authority.

    5.      The counseling center will post local job openings and display military, career and college materials. 

    6.      The counselor may refer the student to the counseling center website.

    7.      The counselor will distribute college entrance materials.

    8.      The student may take the college entrance exams such as the PSAT, SAT, ACT, TOEFL and SAT II Subject Tests.

    9.      The student may enroll in district and/or private college standardized test prep class(es).

    Objective 2:      

    The student will be able to identify and employ strategies to successfully achieve future career goals.

    Suggested Activities:

    §  The student will demonstrate knowledge of the career planning process.

    §  The student will use research and information sources to obtain career information.

    §  The student will understand how changing economic and societal needs influence employment trends and future training.

    §  The student will demonstrate an awareness of the education and training needed to achieve career goals.

    §  The student may use employability and job readiness skills in internship, mentoring, shadowing and/or other work experience.

    §  The student will select course work that supports the educational plan related to career interests.

    §  The student may attend financial aid workshops, college admissions programs and college/career fairs.

    §  The student may utilize the military liaison services.



    1.      The counselor will assist students with the interpretation of the career inventory/planning results and goals as part of the freshman, sophomore, junior and senior interviews.

    2.      The counselor may assist students with accessing career oriented websites and literature.

    3.      The counselor may facilitate on site college and career meetings.

    4.      The counselor may assist students with volunteer and internship information in conjunction with their career goals.

    5.      The counselor may advise students of clubs, sports and activities that are applicable to their interests.

    6.      The counselor may monitor the progress of the student’s career planning portfolio.

    7.      The counselor may coordinate the on-site ASVAB assessment for the military.

    8.      The counselor will assist the student and parents/guardian in the post-secondary process.

    9.      The counselor will meet with the student on an individual basis to facilitate development of goals.


    Objective 3:


    The student will be able to understand the relationship between personal qualities, education, training and the world of work.


    Suggested Activities: 


    §  The student will understand the correlation between educational achievement and career success.

    §  The student will recognize that the, changing workplace requires lifelong learning and acquiring new skills.

    §  The student will understand that employment is an important means of personal expression.

    §  The student will indicate how interests, abilities and achievement relate to achieving personal, social, education and career goals.

    §  The student will learn to work cooperatively with others.




    1.      The counselor will review the student’s grades, course selection, training and experience in relationship to their career goals.

    2.      The counselor will review the student’s career portfolio.

    3.      The counselor may assist the student in a college search based on academic achievement, test scores, career goals and personal interests.

    4.      The counselor may assist students with computer-based technology to research careers.

    5.      The counselor may refer the student to military liaisons as per student interest.

    6.      The counselor may write a letter of recommendation for post secondary schools and potential employers on the student’s behalf.


    Topic:  Personal/Social

    Objective 1:

    The student will be able to acquire the knowledge, attitudes and inter-personal skills to help them understand and respect self and others.

    Suggested Activities: 

    • The student will develop positive attitudes toward self as a unique and worthy person.
    • The student may identify values, attitudes and beliefs.
    • The student will learn the goal-setting process.
    • The student will identify and discuss how changing personal and social roles are part of growth.
    • The student will use effective communication skills to express feelings.
    • The student will distinguish between appropriate and inappropriate behavior.
    • The student may attend a support group.
    • The student will be encouraged to demonstrate a respect and appreciation for individual and cultural differences.
    • The student will recognize the value of maintaining effective relationships throughout life in today’s interdependent society.



    1.      The counselor may facilitate a support group for identified concerns.

    2.      The counselor may assist the student in understanding school policies including attendance, discipline, dress code and personal hygiene.

    3.      The counselor may make outside referrals as warranted.

    4.      The counselor may assist students in recognizing personal boundaries, rights and privacy needs.

    5.      The counselor may serve as a student advocate at designated meetings.

    6.      The counselor may consult with school personnel, and/or parent/guardian in reference to student needs.

    7.      The counselor may assist the student in crisis.

    8.      The counselor may facilitate conflict resolution.



    Objective 2:


    Students will develop and incorporate skills in clarifying values, expanding interests and capabilities and evaluating progress toward goals.


    Suggested Activities:


    • The student will establish goals.
    • The student will formulate a plan to achieve individual goals.
    • The student will use decision-making and problem-solving strategies.
    • The student will recognize the consequences of their decisions and choices.
    • The student will identify alternative solutions to a problem.
    • The student will learn how to seek help in clarifying options and making positive decisions.




    1. The counselor will monitor student performance within the guidelines of the district policies.
    2. The counselor will assist students in evaluating goals.
    3. The counselor may assist students in monitoring and updating a computer-based portfolio.
    4. The counselor will assist students during individual counseling appointments.
    5. The counselor may assist students with identified talents to pursue opportunities outside of the traditional classroom.
    6. The counselor may consult with parents in reference to student’s needs.


    Objective 3:


    Students will develop an ability to assume responsibility for themselves and to manage life events.


    Suggested Activities:


    • Students will develop an understanding of the legal, safety and social practices that lead to responsible daily living.
    • Students will demonstrate the ability to differentiate between situations requiring peer support and adult professional help.
    • Students will apply effective decision making and problem solving skills that will lead to a responsible lifestyle.
    • Students will be encouraged to practice appropriate coping skills when challenged by peer pressure.
    • Students will understand the interactive effects of substance use and abuse.




    1. The counselor may consult with school and community resources.
    2. The counselor may facilitate conflict resolution and/or peer mediation.
    3. The counselor may provide crisis intervention.
    4. The counselor will evaluate student’s needs for counseling services and encourage self-reliance..
    5. The counselor may provide education materials, programming, group and individual counseling and make resource referrals.
    6. The counselor will provide individual support and guidance.
    7. The counselor may make a referral to the Substance Awareness Coordinator.
    8. The Substance Awareness Coordinator may provide educational programming.


    Content Outline/Timeline


    Schedule conflicts, errors and changes                                   September 1 - 30

    Review student schedules

    Senior credit review

    Senior interviews

    Freshman interviews

    College recommendation letters

    College searches

    PSAT Notification

    Back to School Night

    Schedule and develop support groups

    Meet with new group referrals

    Class Rank



    Senior Interviews                                                                    October 1 -31

    Freshman Interviews

    College Recommendations

    HSPA proctoring

    College applications

    Group counseling

    Review interims

    Senior Failure notification

    Discuss grades with teachers

    Review level changes and begin paperwork

    Contact parents regarding grades

    Schedule changes

    Career Interest Inventories for sophomores



    Senior Interviews                                                                    November 1 - 30

    Freshman Interviews

    College applications

    College recommendations

    College searches

    Review student’s first marking period grades

    Meet with students regarding grades

    Level change discussion/adjustments



    Freshman Interviews                                                               December 1 -23

    College applications

    College recommendations

    College searches

    Review Interims

    Discuss grades with teachers

    Parent contact

    Student academic conferences

    HSPA results




    Eighth grade course selection presentations                           January 2 - 30

    Course selection presentations

    College applications

    College recommendation letters

    Eighth grade Parent Night

    Sophomore interviews

    Junior interviews

    Review grades

    Student academic conferences

    Parent contact

    Level changes (last chance)

    HSPA schedule review/adjustments

    Senior failure letters

    Attendance appeals



    Course selection presentations                                                February 1 - 28

    Collect course selections                                                        

    Career Interest Inventories for sophomores

    Identify and contact senior failures

    College applications

    Junior interviews

    College searches

    Sophomore interviews and interpret career assessment

    Input course selections

    Scholarship applications/notification

    Course selection conferences

    Review Course selections



    College applications                                                                March 1 - 31

    Review interims

    Contact parents regarding grades

    Meet with students regarding grades

    Junior interviews

    Sophomore interviews and interpret career assessment

    Course selection conferences

    College searches

    Honors letters/course input

    Child Study Team Annual Reviews

    Standardized test proctoring



    Junior interviews                                                                     April 1 - 30

    College searches

    Course selection conferences

    Senior failure letters

    Review report cards

    Meet with students regarding grades

    Parent contact

    Parent / Teacher conferences

    Child Study Team Annual Reviews

    Meet with seniors as warranted



    Course selection conferences including sophomore career assessment          May 1 - 31

    Junior interviews

    College searches

    Parent meetings

    Standardized test proctoring

    Monitor seniors/graduation



    Course selection conferences  including sophomore career assessment          June 1 - 30

    Attendance appeals

    Senior exam exemptions

    Senior failures

    Parent contact

    Parent / teacher conferences

    Senior Surveys

    Confirm course selections/letter



    Monthly Ongoing Responsibilities


    Individual counseling

    Phone conferences

    Parent conferences

    Teacher consultations

    Administrative consultations

    Group Facilitation

    Attendance consultations

    Crisis intervention/counseling

    Child Study Team meetings/consultation

    Monthly summaries/report

    Communication with college admissions and representatives

    New student registrations/Defects

    Department meetings

    Scholarship paperwork

    Participate and/or supervise assemblies

    Computer based programming for college and career counseling

    Option 2

    504 Meetings

    Attendance follow up

    Defects follow up

    Prepare documentation for academic hearings

    Prepare documentation for discipline hearings


    Additional Committees/Responsibilities


    District College Fair

    College Information Night

    Faculty meetings

    I & R S Committee

    504 Consultations

    SOS/Crisis Team

    Web Master

    Email Parent information

    Fire Drill/Evacuations

    Counseling Intern Supervision

    ASVAB Administration/Military

    BCC Spring Ahead program

    Financial Aid Night

    Testing assistance

    District committees

    Freshman Orientation

    Field Trips

    Municipal Alliance (SAC)


    Assist with standardized testing

    Proof of Proficiency


    Identify what you will be using as the Proof of Proficiency for Option 2 and email a copy of the actual document to the Senior Supervisor in charge of your area.


    Not admissible.