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- Marketing Education
Marketing Education – Level 3 - Course of Study
Final BOE Approval May 2011
Revised October 2009
Table of Contents
Members of Revision Committee
Statement of Purpose
Program of Studies Description
Core Content Standards
Textbook and Resource Materials
Course Objectives/Activities
Content Outline/Timeline
Members of Revision Committee:
Dawn Eisenhardt - Cherokee
Judy White - Shawnee
Grace McCloskey - Seneca
Barbara Finkel - Lenape
Statement of Purpose:
The purpose of all curriculum guides is to provide direction for instruction. They identify the written outcomes in a subject and /or grade as the basis for classroom activities and student assessment. In order to achieve maximum understanding, the objectives identified as learning outcomes must be written clearly and reflect the specific learning and behavior which are expected.
Objectives are written as major outcomes and stated to require critical thinking. Teachers should understand that they must make careful decisions about the specific sub skills and prior learning needed to reach these objectives. These professionals are encouraged to reflect with others teaching the same curriculum for this purpose and also to identify the most appropriate resources and methods of assessment. The assessments are directly aligned with the objectives. Therefore, the objectives in this guide are designed to provide direction to the teacher in order to facilitate instructional planning.
All teachers, parents and students should be informed of the expected outcomes (i.e. objectives) for the subject and/or grade level.
Program of Studies Description:
Marketing concepts and skills are developed through discussion, small group learning, and research. Students will participate in an individual senior year cooperative work experience. Students are released early from school to begin work at their marketing or retail training stations. Sales and Marketing is highly recommended as a prerequisite to this course. Students have the opportunity to participate in the school store and in DECA (An Association of Marketing Students).
Core Content Standards for Marketing Education:
Standard 8.1 Educational Technology: All students will use digital tools to access, manage, evaluate, and synthesize information in order to solve problems individually and collaboratively and to create and communicate knowledge.
Standard 8.2 Technology Education, Engineering, and Design: All students will develop an understanding of the nature and impact of technology, engineering, technological design, and the designed world, as they relate to the individual, global society, and the environment.
Standard 9.1 21st Century Life Skills: All students will demonstrate creative, critical thinking, collaboration and problem solving skills to function successfully as global citizens and workers in diverse ethnic and organizational cultures.
Standard 9.2 Personal Financial Literacy: All students will develop skills and strategies that promote personal and financial responsibility related to financial planning, savings, investment, and charitable giving in the global economy.
Standard 9.3 21st Century Career Awareness, Exploration & Preparation: All students
will apply knowledge about and engage in the process of career awareness, exploration and preparation in order to navigate the globally competitive
work environment of the information age.
Standard 9.4 Career and Technical Education: All students who complete a career and technical education program will acquire academic and technical skills for careers in emerging and established professions that lead to technical skill proficiency, credentials, certificates, licenses, and/or degrees.
Textbook and Resource Materials:
Marketing Essentials, Third Edition, Farese, Kimbrell and Woloszyk, Glencoe McGraw-Hill, 2002.
MARKETING ESSENTIALS STUDENT ACTIVITY WORKBOOK, Third Edition, Farese, Kimbrell and Woloszyk, Glencoe McGraw-Hill, 2002.
MICROSOFT WORD 2000, Microsoft Corporation, 2000.
MICROSOFT POWERPOINT 2000, Microsoft Corporation, 2000.
MICROSOFT FRONTPAGE 2000, Microsoft Corporation, 2000.
NATIONAL STANDARDS FOR BUSINESS EDUCATION, National Business Education Association, 2001.
GETTING A JOB PROCESS KIT, Fifth Edition, Zedllitz, Thomson South-Western.
KELLER'S OFFICIAL OSHA SAFETY HANDBOOK, Fifth Edition, J. J. Keller & Associates, Inc.
Course Objectives/Activities:
Objective 1: The learner will create a portfolio of workstation documentation to comply with cooperative education guidelines. (8.1A, 9.2A,B,C,D,G, 9.3A) Activities to meet objective:
- The learner will utilize district forms to record employment activities.
- The learner will prepare weekly, monthly and yearly wage and hour forms.
- Student created portfolio.
- Teacher generated rubric for student documents.
Objective 2: The learner will understand the importance of practicing proper safety procedures in school and at the workplace. (8.1A,D,E, 8.2B, 9.1A,B,C, 9.3A,B,C) Activities to meet objective:
- The learner will create a safety diagram of their employment station.
- The learner will prepare a written safety record.
- Discussion and written documentation.
- Students will demonstrate knowledge through teacher created tests/quizzes.
Objective 3: The learner will identify and recognize the many forms of sexual harassment that exist in work, school and in the living environment. (9.1C, 9.3A, 9.3C) Activities to meet objective:
- The learner will examine different forms of media including but not limited to videos, articles and the Internet that pertain to sexual harassment issues.
- The learner will discuss current sexual harassment issues.
A. Students will demonstrate knowledge through teacher created tests/quizzes.
B. Discussion and written documentation.
Objective 4: The learner will be able to identify how marketing functions impact all business activities. (8.1A,D,E, 8.2B, 9.1A,B,C, 9.2.E, 9.3A,B,C) Activities to meet objective:
- Students will view, discuss and analyze past, present and future activities in business.
- Students will research and create a product demonstrating the marketing functions.
- Students will participate in various small group activities developing teambuilding skills.
- Students will demonstrate the ability to identify the functions of marketing through the use of teacher created tests/quizzes.
- Teacher will utilize rubrics for assessing projects.
- Students will generate self and group evaluation.
Objective 5: The learner will analyze the role of the marketing concept as it applies to target markets, the marketing mix, and market positioning. (8.1A,D,E, 8.2D, 9.1A,B,C, 9.2E) Activities to meet objective:
- The student will select a consumer product and create a flow to demonstrate how the product appeals to many market segments.
- The student will analyze product markets.
- Students will create a product analysis using work samples or projects.
- Students will demonstrate knowledge through teacher created tests/quizzes.
Objective 6: The learner will evaluate the social and environmental responsibilities of a business in making ethical choices. (8.1D, 8.2B, 9.1A,B,C) Activities to meet objective:
- The student will utilize technology to research for articles on companies that have been involved in ethical issues.
- Students will examine through the use of technology business ethics and their impact on society.
- The student will be sensitive to multicultural practices in the workplace.
- Students will present their findings.
- Students will self-evaluate business ethics.
- Students will demonstrate knowledge through teacher created tests/quizzes.
Objective 7: The learner will understand global trade activity and government regulations as they affect our economy. (8.1A,B,C, 8.2B, 9.1 A,B,C, 9.2A,E) Activities to meet objective:
- The student will use technology to research global trade.
- The student will do a cooperative learning case study on the barriers to trade that are experienced by companies who trade internationally.
- The student will examine diversity issues in the workplace.
- The students will prepare and present a trade report.
- The students will outline the barriers to trade.
- The students will demonstrate knowledge through teacher created tests/quizzes.
Objective 8: The learner will generate and develop business communication skills. (8.1A, 9.1A,B,C, 9.3A,B,C) Activities to meet objective:
- Prepare a document that uses the elements of good communication.
- Students will role-play situations using good communication and technology skills.
- Students will demonstrate knowledge through teacher created tests/quizzes.
- Teacher generated rubrics for documents and role-plays
Objective 9: The learner will examine the methods used to become a successful entrepreneur. (8.1A, 8.2B, 9.1A,B,C, 9.2A – G, 9.3A,B,C) Activities to meet objective:
- The students will study the risks, rewards, advantages and disadvantages of entrepreneurship.
- The students will examine various entrepreneurs using diverse technology.
A. Students will prepare a description of a business using entrepreneurial guidelines.
B. Students with work in teams/partners and present oral report.
- Students will demonstrate knowledge through teacher created tests/quizzes.
Objective 10: The learner will explore the opportunities and benefits of entering marketing careers.(8.1A, 9.1A,B,C, 9.2A, 9.3A,B,C, 9.4A – P) Activities to meet objective:
- The students will identify employment opportunities through various media.
- The students will complete all documents used in applying for and obtaining a position in a chosen career.
- The students will participate in role-playing exercises to prepare for an interview.
A. Teacher generated rubrics for documents and role-plays.
B. Students will demonstrate knowledge through teacher created tests/quizzes.
C. Create employability portfolio.
Content Outline/Timeline
1. Employability Skills and Forms 4 Weeks
2. Safety Procedures 3 Weeks
3. Sexual Harassment 2 Weeks
4. Marketing Foundations and Functions 2 Weeks
5. Marketing Concept 2 Weeks
6. Ethics 4 Weeks
7. World Economies and Global Trade 4 Weeks
8. Communications 6 Weeks
9. Entrepreneurial Skills 4 Weeks
10. Marketing Careers Exploration 2 Weeks
11. DECA Activities 3 Weeks