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- Lenape Regional High School District
- Exploring Introduction to Business
Lenape Regional High School DistrictIntroduction to Business, Level 4 Course of StudyFinal BOE Approval May 2011Revised October 2009
Table of ContentsMembers of Revision Committee
Statement of Purpose
Program of Studies Description
Core Content Standards
Textbook and Resource Materials
Course Objectives/Activities
Content Outline/Timeline
Proof of Proficiency
Members of Revision Committee:
Elaine Riches - Lenape
Olivia Fontana - Cherokee
Renee Hampshire - Seneca
Jenise Hillian - Cherokee
Statement of Purpose:
The purpose of all curriculum guides is to provide direction for instruction. They identify the written outcomes in a subject and /or grade as the basis for classroom activities and student assessment. In order to achieve maximum understanding, the objectives identified as learning outcomes must be written clearly and reflect the specific learning and behavior which are expected.
Objectives are written as major outcomes and stated to require critical thinking. Teachers should understand that they must make careful decisions about the specific sub skills and prior learning needed to reach these objectives. These professionals are encouraged to reflect with others teaching the same curriculum for this purpose and also to identify the most appropriate resources and methods of assessment. The assessments are directly aligned with the objectives. Therefore, the objectives in this guide are designed to provide direction to the teacher in order to facilitate instructional planning.
All teachers, parents and students should be informed of the expected outcomes (i.e. objectives) for the subject and/or grade level.
Program of Studies Description:
Students will explore the various elements of the global business world. Specific areas of study will include: management functions, business ethics, banking, credit, stock market/investments, and career exploration. Students will have an opportunity to develop computer literacy skills, consumer skills, and communication skills.
Core Content Standards for Introduction to Business, Level 4:
Standard 1.3 Performing: All students will synthesize skills, media, methods, and technologies that are appropriate to creating, performing, and/or presenting works of art in dance, music, theatre, and visual art.
Standard 8.1 Educational Technology: All students will use digital tools to access, manage, evaluate, and synthesize information in order to solve problems individually and collaboratively and to create and communicate knowledge.
Standard 8.2 Technology Education, Engineering, and Design: All students will develop an understanding of the nature and impact of technology, engineering, technological design, and the designed world, as they relate to the individual, global society, and the environment.
Standard 9.1 21st Century Life Skills: All students will demonstrate creative, critical thinking, collaboration and problem solving skills to function successfully as global citizens and workers in diverse ethnic and organizational cultures.
Standard 9.2 Personal Financial Literacy: All students will develop skills and strategies that promote personal and financial responsibility related to financial planning, savings, investment, and charitable giving in the global economy.
Standard 9.3 21st Century Career Awareness, Exploration & Preparation: All students will apply knowledge about and engage in the process of career awareness, exploration and preparation in order to navigate the globally competitive work environment of the information age.
Standard 9.4 Career and Technical Education: All students who complete a career and technical education program will acquire academic and technical skills for careers in emerging and established professions that lead to technical skill proficiency, credentials, certificates, licenses, and/or degrees.
Textbook and Resource Materials – Identify on-line resources as well:
Title: Intro to Business, 7e
Copyright: 2009
Author(s): Dlabay, Burrow, Kleindl
Reading Level: 9-12
Publisher: South Western Cengage Learning
Representative: Karlin Antoine
Phone#: (215) 477-3320
Student Editions: ISBN#0538445610, ISBN#0538445718
Title: Introduction To BusinessOther Material:
Course Topics/Objectives/Activities/Assessments:Topic: Economics
Objective 1:Standard (8.1E) (9.1F) (1.3D) Differentiate between needs, wants, goods, and services. Suggested Activities:
Generate a list of needs and wants and have the students distinguish between the two.
List their own needs and wants and have the class discuss the results.
Compare and contrast goods and services and discuss as a class.
Create a poster/collage (without using words) and present to the class on one of the following topics:
Rubric on poster
Objective 2: Standard (9.1A) (9.1B) (9.2F) (9.4G) (1.3D) Distinguish among elements pertaining to each economic system. Suggested Activities: Create a poster (without using words) describing one of the following economic systems
Compose a Research Paper—select one country and research type of economic system and provide characteristics of what makes it that type. Assessments:
Research paper rubric
Objective 3: Standard (9.1A) (9.1F) (9.2E) Explain factors of production as a requirement of all goods and services. Suggested Activities: Identify the factors of production based on a product given to them in class by the instructor. Assessments:
Worksheet on factors of production
Objective 4: Standard (9.1A) (9.1E) (1.3D) Demonstrate the economic decision making process. Suggested Activities: Diagram decision-making process flowchart for “real life” business situations.
Create a problem and later “trade” their responses with other peers who will respond by using the decision making process.
Students will create a graphic organizer of the steps of the decision making process.
Objective 5: Standard (8.2A) (8.2D) (9.4D)
List and describe the functions of management.
Suggested Activities: Role-play given a business related managerial issue. Build a “perfect” manager through everyday household products given to them by teacher and display their creation on a poster board.
Find real-life examples of how companies have demonstrated use of functions.
Assessments: Test/quiz Create a graphic organizer describing the functions.
Objective 6: Standard (8.2A) (8.2D) (9.4D)
Break down levels of management and distinguish levels through job titles.
Suggested Activities: Create a job tree, in which students place/sort job titles into the different levels of management Assessments: Test/quiz
Rubric for job tree
Objective 7: Standard (8.2A) (8.2D) (9.4D)
Discover their own managerial skills through analysis.
Suggested Activities: Complete a teacher-approved survey to determine strengths in a particular skill area: human relations, technical, and conceptual. Assessments: Students compose questions with correct answers and quiz each other.
Objective 8: Standard (9.1A) (9.1E) (9.2E) (1.3C)
Justify ethical workplace decision making through a debate.
Suggested Activities: Read and analyze case studies Complete a Managerial simulation Discuss possible ethical solutions for real life scenarios provided by teacher. Assessments: Test/quiz Case studies summary Discuss and answer questions from managerial simulation
Objective 9: Standard (9.1C) (9.1D) (8.1E) (8.1F)
Interpret leadership styles and differentiate among the influences used by leaders.
Suggested Activities: Compare and contrast leaders in the world using the newspaper Create a poster displaying the different leadership styles Prepare index card questions for guest speaker regarding leadership qualitites Listen, watch, and discuss videos relating to important leaders of our time. Assessments: Test/quiz Rubric - poster
Completion of worksheet pertaining to leadership videos
Class discussions on leaders of today
Objective 10:Standard (8.1A) (8.1E) (8.2B) (9.1A) (9.4N) (1.3D)
Recognize and evaluate the 4 P's of marketing.
Suggested Activities: Create a graphic organizer displaying the 4P's of marketing including place, promotion, product, and price. Create an ad campaign using all 4 P's of marketing including place, promotion, product, price. Analyze and differentiate among current ads. Create a brochure/project advertising their own business.
Students will be able to differentiate among brand name products vs. generic brands based on a taste test exercise.
Assessments: Brochure/project Rubric Taste test exercise rubric
Objective 11: Standard (8.1A) (8.1E) (8.2B) (9.1A) (9.4N)
Identify a particular target market based on demographics, psychographics, and geographics
Suggested Activities: Categorize advertisements/commercials based on demographics, psychographics, or geographics. Create an ad/poster/collage for a particular target market provided by the teacher. Create a commercial given a particular product and target market. Assessments: Rubric – ad/poster Rubric - commercial Test/quiz
Objective 12 : Standard (8.1A) (8.1E) (8.2B) (9.1A) (9.4N) (1.3D)
Diagram the product life cycle and classify products according to the life cycle.
Suggested Activities: Research a particular product and create a time line based on the product life cycle. Compose a research paper on a particular product outlining the stages the product went through and pinpoint where on the cycle the product is now. Assessments: Test/quiz Rubric – research paper
Objective 13: Standard (8.1A) (8.1E) (8.2B) (9.1A) (9.4N)
List and devise a market research method used in business today.
Suggested Activities: Create and conduct a teacher-approved survey based on a particular product given to them by the teacher Locate consumer/product surveys outside of the classroom to discuss in the classroom Assessments: Rubric - survey Teacher/students discussions
Objective 14: Standard (8.1A) (8.1E) (8.2B) (9.1A) (9.4N)
Demonstrate good consumer judgment through their buying decisions by comparing prices online.
Suggested Activities: Utilize the Consumer Reports magazine to research and compare a specific product and report results. Complete role-playing scenarios and/or simulations – students are given a particular amount of money to spend. Create a bulletin board displaying tips on being an educated consumer. Assessments: Test/quiz Rubrics – bulletin board and simulation
Consumer Reports rubric
Objective: 15 Standard (9.1A) (9.2 B) (9.2 C) (9.2F) (1.3D)
Use a teacher-designed grid to distinguish among the different types of credit and list the advantages and disadvantages of each.
Suggested Activities: Compare and contrast a teacher-designed grid and weigh pros and cons of the three different types of credit cards.
Create a fictitious credit card and write a sales presentation trying to sell it to their classmates.
Complete a Venn diagram pertaining to credit Create a collage depicting one type of credit (loan, sales, trade) given to them by the teacher Assessments:
Rubric – create a credit card
Rubric - collage
Objective 16:Standard (9.1A) (9.2B) (9.2C) (9.2F)
List the 3 C's of credit (character, capacity, capital) and explain the credit application process.
Suggested Activities: Fill out a credit card application completely and correctly. Work in groups and interpret different legal terms from the credit card application and use the jigsaw method to present their findings.
Read, analyze, and respond to case studies about individual scenarios depicting financial distress .
Create an advertisement for a specific credit card. Assessments:
Student generated quiz questions
Case study responses
Objective 17:Standard (9.1A) (9.2B) (9.2D) (9.2F) (1.3D)
Identify, explain, and provide examples of the different types of savings and investments. Suggested Activities: Read, write, and discuss current events relating to savings and investing. Create a collage/poster displaying the types of saving and investments Compare and contrast savings accounts at two different banks based upon the features offered. Actively listen to a guest speaker/stockbroker and prepare questions ahead of time as a ticket to leave.
Watch, report findings, and discuss video presentation of stock options/portfolios.
Students will be able to research and write a paper on investment careers such as:
Account Executive
Financial Analyst
Accounting Clerk
Personal Finance Advisor
Brokerage Clerk
Teacher/student discussion - follow up summary on speaker's presentation
Completion of worksheet on video relating to stocks and investing.
Rubric- collage
Objective 18:Standard (8.1E) (9.1A) (9.2D) (9.2F) (9.2G)
Describe and practice the activities involved with buying or selling stock.
Suggested Activities:
Complete an on-going Web Quest simulation relating to the buying of “real” stock.
Debate on the advantages/disadvantages of buying a particular stock. (stock provided by teacher)
Read and interpret a stock table handout provided by teacher
Research the history of a publicly held company from founders until today and complete a research paper.
Web Question Rubric – portfolio completion
Rubric – research paper
Objective 19:Standard (9.2B) (9.2F)
Explain the purpose of the Federal Reserve Bank and list the types of financial institutions.
Suggested Activities: Actively listen to a guest speaker from a bank while preparing 3 x 5 index card questions about the topic.
Attend a Field Trip to the Federal Reserve Bank.
Watch and discuss the History of the Federal Reserve video.
Compose a research paper on the history of the Federal Reserve.
Completion of video worksheet
Teacher/student discussion on guest speaker
Field Trip Scavenger Hunt
Rubric – research paper
Objective 20:Standard (9.2B) (9.2E)
Identify and explain the parts of a check
Suggested Activities:
Label the parts of a check, given a blank check.
Write out a blank check correctly filling all parts.
Create a poster displaying the do's and don'ts of check writing.
Complete a bulletin board on check writing tips.
Rubric – bulletin board/poster
Objective 21:Standard (8.1A) (8.1F) (8.2A) (8.2C) (9.2B) (9.2E)
Describe the types of checking accounts and electronic banking activities.
Suggested Activities: Create a comparison chart of the different types of accounts.
Create a graphic organizer for tracking a check.
Create a brochure that explains the different ways to use electronic banking.
Interactive computer presentation
Rubric - brochure
Objective 22:Standard (8.1A) (8.1F) (8.2A) (8.2C) (9.2B) (9.2E)
Examine all parts of opening up a checking account: signature card, deposit slips, bank reconciliation.
Suggested Activities: Complete a Checking Account Simulation.
Fill out blank deposit slips given to them by teacher.
Record daily transactions and complete a monthly reconciliation.
Create a mini comic book about the process of opening a checking account.
Reconciled Bank Statements
Objective 23:Standard (9.1A) (9.2B-F) (8.1F) (8.2D)
Identify purposes of a budget and the characteristics of a successful budget.
Suggested Activities:
Prepare a simulated budget using real-life circumstances designated by teacher.
Create a poster identifying the purposes of a budget.
Rubric - poster
Objective 24:Standard (9.1A) (9.2B-F) (8.1A) (8.1F)
Compile a list describing the steps needed to prepare a budget.
Suggested Activities:
Complete simulations on car planning, and house planning.
Research budgeting agencies and compose a report on their findings.
Watch, discuss, and write about the videos related to budgeting.
Actively listen to a guest speaker while preparing 3-5 questions about topic.
Rubric – research paper
Teacher/student discussions on guest speaker
Career Planning
Objective 25:Standard (8.1A) (9.1A) (9.1B) (9.3A-C) (9.4 A-P)
Evaluate their individual career strengths through analysis.
Suggested Activities: Complete a survey showing students strengths and weaknesses.
Utilize COIN, using the library database.
Research careers and report their findings by writing a research paper.
Take a personality test and use this information in a career search.
Teacher/students discussions
Rubric – research paper
Objective 26:Standard (8.1A) (8.1E) (8.1F) (8.2B) (8.2D) (8.2E) (9.1A) (9.1E) (9.2C)
Describe activities involved in the job application and interview process.
Suggested Activities:
Complete career situation worksheets.
Compare/contrast between Illegal vs. legal interview questions by role playing.
Create a poster identifying the interviewing do's and don'ts.
Design a portfolio to include a resume, cover letter, and thank-you letters.
Watch and discuss videos displaying the important parts of the job application and interviewing process.
Rubric – poster
Rubric - porfolio
Objective 27:Standard (8.1A) (8.1F) (9.1A) (9.3 A-C)
Differentiate between part time and full time positions and distinguish between types of benefits.
Suggested Activities: Locate open positions in local newspaper and distinguish between part-time and full-time positions.
Watch and listen to a guest speaker- Human resource individual.
Complete Quia games pertaining to chapter vocabulary.
Teacher/student discussions
Content Outline/Timeline
1. Topic: Economics 3 Weeks Allotted
2. Topic: Management/Leadership 4 Weeks Allotted
3. Topic: Marketing 6 Weeks Allotted
4. Topic: Credit 3 Weeks Allotted
5. Topic: Savings/Investing 4 Weeks Allotted
6. Topic: Banking 5 Weeks Allotted
7. Topic: Budgeting 5 Weeks Allotted
8. Topic: Career Planning 6 Weeks Allotted
Proof of Proficiency
N/A for level 4 class.