• Introduction to Business, Level 3 Course of Study

    Final BOE Approval May 2011

    Revised October 2009


    Table of Contents

    Members of Revision Committee

    Statement of Purpose:

    Program of Studies Description:

    Core Content Standards

    Textbook and Resource Materials

    Course Objectives/Activities

    Content Outline/Timeline

    Members of Revision Committee:

    Dot Medvetz - Shawnee

    Nicole Angeloni - Cherokee

    Renee Hampshire - Seneca

    Elaine Riches - Lenape

    Statement of Purpose:

    The purpose of all curriculum guides is to provide direction for instruction. They identify the written outcomes in a subject and /or grade as the basis for classroom activities and student assessment. In order to achieve maximum understanding, the objectives identified as learning outcomes must be written clearly and reflect the specific learning and behavior which are expected.

    Objectives are written as major outcomes and stated to require critical thinking. Teachers should understand that they must make careful decisions about the specific sub skills and prior learning needed to reach these objectives. These professionals are encouraged to reflect with others teaching the same curriculum for this purpose and also to identify the most appropriate resources and methods of assessment. The assessments are directly aligned with the objectives. Therefore, the objectives in this guide are designed to provide direction to the teacher in order to facilitate instructional planning.

    All teachers, parents and students should be informed of the expected outcomes (i.e. objectives) for the subject and/or grade level.


    Program of Studies Description:

    Students will explore various topics in the business world. Specific areas of study will include: economic systems, management, marketing, advertising, banking and credit, ethics, international business, and career exploration. Students will have an opportunity to develop computer literacy skills, consumer skills, and communication skills.


    Core Content Standards for Introduction to Business:

    STANDARD 8.1 (Educational Technology) All students will use digital tools to access, manage, evaluate and synthesize information in order to solve problems individually and collaboratively and to create and communicate knowledge.

    STANDARD 8.2 (Education, Engineering and Design) All students will develop an understanding of the nature and impact of technology, engineering, technological design, and the designed world as they relate to the individual, global society, and the environment.

    STANDARD 9.1 (21st Century Life Skills) All students will demonstrate creative, critical thinking, collaboration and problem solving skills to function successfully as global citizens and workers in diverse ethnic and organizational cultures.

    STANDARD 9.2 (Personal Financial Literacy) All students will develop skills and strategies that promote personal and financial responsibility related to financial planning, savings, investment, and charitable giving in the global economy.

    STANDARD 9.3: (Career Awareness, Exploration, and Preparation) All students will apply knowledge about and engage in the process of career awareness, exploration and preparation in order to navigate the globally competitive work environment of the information age.

    STANDARD 9.4(Career and Technical Education) All students who complete a career and technical education program will acquire academic and technical skills for careers in emerging and established professions that lead to technical skill proficiency, credentials, certificates, licenses, and/or degrees.

    STANDARD 1.1 (The Creative Process) All students will demonstrate an understanding of the elements and principles that govern the creation of works of art in dance, music, theatre, and visual art.

    STANDARD 1.2 (History of the Arts and Culture) All students will understand the role, development, and influence fo the arts throughout history and across cultures.

    STANDARD 1.3 (Visual and Performing Arts) All students will synthesize those skills, media, methods, and technologies appropriate to creating, performing, and/or presenting works of art in dance, music, theatre and visual art.

    STANDARD 1.4 (Aesthetic Responses & Critique Methodologies) All students will demonstrate and apply an understanding of arts philosophies, judgment, and analysis to works of art in dance, music, theatre and visual art.


    Textbook and Resource Materials – Identify on-line resources as well:

    Introduction to Business:

    Betty J. Brown & John E. Crow

    Glencoe Publishing

    Copyright: 2008

    ISBN: 9780078747687



    TOPIC:Business in the Global and Economic Environment

    Objective 1: The student will be able to compare and contrast how economic decisions affect individual consumers, businesses, and countries. (8.1F) (8.2B) (9.1A) (9.1D) (9.2F) (1.3D)

    Suggested Activities:

    1. Generate scenarios on the decision making process as a consumer.

    2. Create business scenarios, in groups, where the rest of the class has to go through the decision making process.

    3. Explain how the decision making process may be means to achieving meaningful societal goals.

    4. Relate the impact of the decision making process to businesses, consumers, and counties.

    5. Identify the opportunity costs of alternatives relevant to teenagers given specific situations.


    1. Test/Quiz on chapter material

    2. Rubric on business scenarios created by students.

    Objective 2: The student will be able to identify four economic systems and explain why market economies are becoming more common. (9.1A) (9.1D) (9.2F) (9.4G) (8.1E) (8.2D) (1.3D)

    Suggested Activities:

    1. Complete worksheets, matching the types of economy to their descriptions.

    2. Create Question and Answer cards for a guest speaker on Economics.

    3. Relate video information to different types of economies.

    4. Participate in an Inner/Outer circle review of questions.

    5. Apply knowledge of chapter material by playing Quia review games: Rags to Riches.

    6. Use summarizer, ABC Review, of chapter terms.

    7. Relate a country's economic system to personal wealth and achieving societal responsibilities.

    8. Design posters of different economic systems (not using the actual system name).


    1. Rubric for poster of economic system.

    2. Using the information on http://www.cia.gov/, create a graph depicting types of worldwide economies.

    3. Test/Quiz on chapter material.

    4. Rubric for questions being asked during Q & A session with guest speaker.

    Objective 3: The student will be able to analyze examples of ethical business behavior and discuss the ramifications of social irresponsibility on consumers, the environment, and employees. (8.1F) (9.1A) (9.1F) (9.2F) (9.2.E) (1.3D)

    Suggested Activities:

    1. Draw a cartoon depicting ethical issues facing teens today. Ex. lying, cheating, stealing.

    2. Describe possible ethical solutions for real life scenarios provided by teacher.

    3. Describe ethical situations from cut out newspaper/internet articles explaining and defending your stance.

    4. Complete a worksheet while watching a video on Ethics.

    5. Investigate the past practices of a company and determine social responsibility.

    6. Examine the implications of ethical behaviors when making financial decisions.

    7. Explain what it means to be a responsible consumer and the factors to consider when making decisions.

    8. Identify the components of written and verbal contracts.


    1. Article summaries and rubric.

    2. Discuss and answer questions from video.

    3. Test or quiz on chapter material.

    Objective 4: The student will be able to differentiate among the four phases of the business cycle and pinpoint historic events that led to cycle changes. (8.1E) (8.1F) (9.1A) (9.2B)

    Suggested Activities:

    1. Create a graphic organizer depicting the phases of the business cycle.

    2. Investigate economic growth in another country.

    3. Complete Inflation/Deflation calculator worksheets.

    4. Create a chart identifying each phase of the business cycle to a particular time in US History.

    5. Analyze the effect of the economy on personal income, individual and family security, and consumer decisions.


    1. Paper on economic growth in another country (rubric to assess).

    2. Create pictograph of four phases of business cycle.

    3. Test/Quiz on chapter material.

    Objective 5: The student will be able to differentiate between needs vs. wants and goods vs. services. (8.1E) (9.1A) (9.2E) (1.3C) Suggested Activities:

    1. Create a list of recent purchases and label as needs or wants and goods or services.

    2. Create a collage/poster on needs/wants/goods/services.

    3. Differentiate between goods, services, needs, and wants, by finding ads and articles using the internet, ewspapers,

    and magazines.

    4. Recall information of chapter material by playing the game of Jeopardy.

    5. Prioritize personal wants and needs when making purchases.


    1. Test or quiz on chapter material.

    2. Rubric for collage or poster.

    Objective 6: The student will be able to describe the role of businesses in the economy. (9.1A) (9.2E) (9.3B) (9.4G) (8.2C)

    Suggested Activities:

    1. Compare and contrast the factors of production.

    2. Design a t-chart listing the factors of production in a household product.

    3. Analyze a list of products and distinguish specific factors of production that apply.

    4. Evaluate business practices and their impact on individuals, families, and societies.


    1. Test or quiz on chapter material.

    2. Rubric for t-chart

    TOPIC:Business Organization and Management

    Objective 7: The student will be able to define and categorize the four types of business ownership. (8.1 E) (8.1F) (8.2D) (9.1D) (9.4G)

    Suggested Activities:

    1. List advantages and disadvantages of each type of business ownership.

    2. Create Venn Diagram comparing forms of ownership.

    3. Develop a PowerPoint presentation outlining the elements of each form of ownership.

    4. Design a poster/collage of each specific form of ownership.

    5. Create bulletin boards depicting forms of ownership.

    6. View and answer questions on Video of J. Willard Marriott, Harley Davidson, Dave Thomas, etc.


    1. Test or quiz on chapter material.

    2. Rubric for PowerPoint presentation.

    3. Rubric for collage or poster.

    4. Worksheet or assignment sheet for video shown.

    Objective 8: The student will be able to list and describe the three management levels and the four functions of management. (8.2A) (8.2D) (9.4D) Suggested Activities:

    1. Research the three leadership styles of management.

    2. Draw and label the management level pyramid.

    3. Demonstrate knowledge of management styles by applying specific job descriptions, salaries, and titles to their level of management, by using poster board and the management pyramid.

    4. Complete a personality inventory to determine their personal strengths in conceptual, technical, or people skills.


    1. Test or quiz on chapter material.

    2. Rubric on poster.

    Objective 9: The student will be able to explain the role of human resources in the success of business. (8.2D) (9.1A) (9.2A) (1.3D)

    Suggested Activities:

    1. Outline types of compensation and typical benefits for employees.

    2. Develop a new club at school and create a poster, flyer, and p.a. announcement aimed at recruiting new members.

    3. Compose a want ad for an employee they would want to attract for their business.

    4. Complete a worksheet to determine who they would introduce a new student to and where they would take them within the school and why.

    5. Analyze benefits, income, and fair labor practices.

    6. Differentiate the different types of employee benefits.


    1. Test or quiz on chapter material.

    2. Rubric for the want ad.

    3. Rubric for the new club activity.


    TOPIC: Career Planning

    Objective 10: The student will be able to follow the steps in the career planning process. (8.1F) (9.1A) (9.1B) (9.2A) (9.3A) (9.3B) (9.3C) (9.4 A-P)

    Suggested Activities:

    1. Complete a personal assessment questionnaire to find their strengths and weaknesses.

    2. Compose documents such as: cover letter, resume, thank you letter, and reference sheet.

    3. Critique and correct poorly written letters to learn what not to do when preparing for a job.

    4. Complete an application form.

    5. Compare and contrast legal vs. illegal interview questions.

    6. Videotape mock interviews within the classroom.

    7. Interact with Guest speaker: Career counselor, through question and answer session.

    8. Explain the difference between a career and a job and identify various jobs in the community and the related earnings.

    9.Evaluate current advances in technology that apply to a selected occupational career cluster.


    1. Test or quiz on chapter material.

    2. Rubric for mock interview.

    3. Q & A on guest speaker.

    4. Rubrics for documents created (resume, cover letter, thank you letter, reference sheet).


    TOPIC:Marketing Essentials

    Objective 11: The student will be able to analyze functions in marketing. (8.1A) (8.1E) (8.2B) (9.1A)(9.2 E) (9.4N)

    Suggested Activities:

    1. Create a new cereal and cereal box, by working in groups.

    2. Complete a worksheet on Video: Kellogg.

    3. Analyze Super bowl commercials to determine demographic and target market.

    4. Create a brochure introducing a new business including features, bumper sticker, coupon, business card, etc.

    5. Demonstrate their knowledge of marketing by tossing a beach ball, labeled with marketing functions, and randomly give definitions of the function facing them.

    6. Compare and contrast product facts versus advertising claims.


    1. Test or quiz on chapter material.

    2. Rubric on cereal box creation.

    3. Worksheet on video.

    4. Rubric on brochure.


    TOPIC: Consumerism

    Objective 12: The student will be able to compare and contrast consumer rights and responsibilities with regard to the consumer movement. (8.1E) (9.1A) (9.2E)

    Suggested Activities:

    1. Prepare a research paper on Ralph Nadar.

    2. Discuss case studies on honesty, consumer knowledge, and responsibilities and state their opinions.

    3. Discuss lawsuits from the past and history of consumer rights.

    4. Demonstrate their knowledge of consumer rights and responsibilities by playing a 25 Question game.

    5. Create and present Consumer Rights PowerPoint in groups.

    6. Draw or create a Consumer rights poster/bulletin board.

    7. Determine factors that influence consumer decisions related to money.


    1. Test or quiz on chapter material.

    2. Rubric for research/biography

    3. Rubric for PowerPoint presentation

    4. Rubric for poster/bulletin board


    TOPIC:Personal Financial Management

    Objective 13: The student will be able to analyze services provided by the banking industry. (8.1A) (9.2B-D)

    Suggested Activities:

    1. Compare and contrast the different credit options.

    2. Complete Commerce Bank simulation.

    3. Create questions to ask a guest speaker representing a local bank.

    4. Tour a local bank.

    5. Analyze financial information and make informed investment decisions.

    6. Complete a Stock Market simulation.

    7. Interact with a stockbroker as a guest speaker.

    8. Complete questions on a worksheet from Video: stocks.

    9. Create poster/chart for different types of credit cards that are available.

    10. Compare and contrast the different types of investments (CDs, savings accounts, checking accounts, bonds).

    11. Demonstrate knowledge by completing the following: blank checks, deposit slips, reconciliation, withdrawal slips,

    electronic funds transfer (eft).

    12. Compare strategies for saving and investing and the factors that influence how much should be saved or invested to meet financial goals.

    13. Compare and compute interest and compound interest.

    14. Identify common sources of credit (banks, credit cards) and types of credit (loans, credit cards, mortgages).

    15. Explain why people borrow money and the relationship between credit and debt.

    16. Compare and contrast the past and present role of government in the financial industry.

    17. Distinguish between saving and investing and various ways to do both.

    18. Determine how savings contributes to financial well-being.


    1. Test or quiz on chapter material.

    2. Winners of stock market game.

    3. Reconciliation, does it balance?

    4. Worksheets for stock video.

    5. Q & A for guest speaker.

    6. Rubric for poster/charts.


    TOPIC:International Business

    Objective 14:The student will be able to describe the components of the international business environment.(9.1D) (9.4N) (8.2C)

    Suggested Activities:

    1. Conduct a scavenger hunt of products around the room and where they are made.

    2. Prepare a role play or skit on cultural differences.

    3. Complete questions on a worksheet from Video: Is Wal-Mart Really Good for America?

    4. Compare words used in different countries and create charts identifying what they mean.

    5. Discuss case studies using American products and changing their appearance/words to relate to other countries.


    1. Test or quiz on chapter material.

    2. Rubric on role play/skit.

    3. Worksheet for video.

    4. Worksheet and answers for scavenger hunt.

    Content Outline/Timeline

    1. Business in the Global and Economic

    Environment 6 Weeks Allotted

    2. Business Organization and Management 6 Weeks Allotted

    3. Career Planning 4 Weeks Allotted

    4. Marketing Essentials 6 Weeks Allotted

    5. Consumerism 6 Weeks Allotted

    6. Personal Financial Management 6 Weeks Allotted

    7. International Business 2 Weeks Allotted