• Lenape Regional High School District

    Course of Study

    Cooperative Work Education

    Summer 2001


    Table of Contents

    Statement of Purpose                                                       p.3


    Program of Studies Description                                     p.4


    Department Goals                                                             p.5


    Course Objectives                                                              p.6


    Course Outline                                                                 p.7-12


    Resource and Materials                                                 p.13-14





    The purpose of all curriculum guides is to provide direction for instruction. It identifies the written outcome in a subject and /or grades the basis for classroom activities and student assessment. In order to achieve maximum understanding, the objectives identified, outcomes must be written clearly and reflect the specific learning and behaviors, which are expected.


    Objectives are written as major outcomes. Teachers should understand that they must make careful decisions on the specific skills and prior learning needed to reach theses objectives. The professionals are encouraged to reflect with others teaching the same curriculum for this purpose and to identify the most appropriate resources and methods of assessment. Therefore, the objectives in this guide are designed to provide direction to the teacher in order to facilitate instructional planning.


    All teachers, parents, and students should be informed of the expected outcomes (i.e., objectives) for the subject and /or grade level.





    The Cooperative Work Experience (CWE) is a cooperative schoolwork experience designed to expose students to exploratory, practical work experiences. The course is designed for seniors in need of individualized or small group instruction. Cooperative Work Experience is for level 2, 3, and 4 with Child Study Team approval. Emphasis will be place on the development of preparing for work, job experience and career planning.





    Department Goals


    1.      The learner will have opportunities for career exploration and planning.


    2.      The learner will develop skills to interact cooperatively with others.


    3.      The learner will use safe work practices.


    4.      The learner will use equipment similar to that found in the workplace.


    5.      The learner will practice tasks unique to an occupation.


    6.      The learner will acquire skills necessary to function as a worker, consumer and citizen.


    7.      The learner will understand human uniqueness in preparing for a variety of life roles in a changing global society.


    8.      The learner will be provided with academic, learning and problem solving skills.




    1.      All students will develop career-planning skills.


    2.      All students will use information, technology, and other tools.


    3.      All students will use critical thinking, decision-making, and problem-solving skills.


    4.      All students will demonstrate self-management skills.


    5.      All students will apply safety principals.


    Course Objectives


    1.      The learner will gain an understanding of the responsibilities of the both workers and employers.


    2.      The learner will develop an understanding of proper conduct as it applies to the issue of sexual harassment in the workplace.


    3.      The learner will examine workers rights and protection practices as it applies to the work place.


    4.      The learner will develop and understanding of current and anticipated uses of computer technology in the workplace.


    5.      The learner will acquire the skills necessary to contact employer employers, fill-out application forms, complete a resume, and prepare for a job interview.


    6.      The learner will develop an awareness of safety hazards and regulations that exist in the workplace.


    7.      The learner will understand the importance of good social behavior on the job.


    8.      The learner will demonstrate skills necessary to manage their income and spending patterns.


    9.      The learner will develop and understanding of the personal traits/characteristics that rare important in the career decision-making.



    Course Outline


    I.                    Objective: The learner will understand the importance of practicing proper safety procedures at school, in the workplace, and on the road.




    A.      The learner will recognize the potential safety hazards that can exist within their individual training stations of employment.


    B.      The learner will be exposed to the various agencies which investigate and enforce safety regulation as set for the by the Local, State and Federal Government.


    C.      The learner will view a video on a job safety.


    D.     Using the internet the learner will analyze (OSHA) rules and regulations as they apply to the work environment.




    A.      The learner will create a diagram of their individual training stations to show the location of fire extinguishers, firs exits, doors, windows, lights, telephones and equipment.


    B.      The learner will prepare a written safety record to show the procedure their training stations implement in the vent of a catastrophe and the phone numbers of their nearest fire, rescue, and police.


    C.      The learner will prepare a written summary which identifies possible safety hazards that exist in their individual training stations that have potential of causing.


    D.     The learner will participate in a group discussion of identifying safety hazards at school, work, and on the road as portrayed in the safety video.


    E.      The learner will orally present information on the impact of OSHA on their work environment.



    II.                  Objective:  The learner will understand how to recognize the many forms of sexual harassment that exist at work, school, and living environment.




    A.      The learner will view a video on the topic of sexual harassment.


    B.      The learner will become familiar with State and Federal laws that pertain to sexual harassment.


    C.      The learner will understand process one should follow to report incidents of sexual harassment.




    A.      The learner will complete a sexual harassment worksheet on the video, which will list the signs of harassment, which will list the signs of harassment and methods that can be used to handle the problem.


    B.      The learner will use the Internet to look up State and Federal laws that pertain to sexual harassment.


    C.      The learner will analyze the behavior of individuals portrayed on a worksheet to determine if some form of sexual harassment has occurred and the steps they should follow to report the incident.


    III.                Objective: The learner will explore the role work plays in people’s lives.




    A.      The learner will demonstrate the ability to indentify the most common reasons for working.


    B.      The learner will become familiar with changing roles for men and women in the workplace.


    C.      The learner will investigate the way lifestyles influence the choices they make on a personal and working level.





    A.      The learner will use newspapers/magazines to search for illustrations of people at work.


    B.      The learner will use the Internet to search for current articles on the changing role of men/women in workforce.


    C.      The learner will diagram their lifestyle chart.


    IV.                Objective: The learner will identify and research carets using the career decision-making process.




    A.      The learner will demonstrate the ability to identify appropriate personal/work traits.


    B.      The learner will become familiar with careers that match interests.


    C.      The learner will view videos on current jobs trends.




    A.      The learner will complete a self-assessment inventory.


    B.      The learner will conduct library and Internet career searches.


    C.      The learner will complete a worksheet assignment and will list current job trends.


    V.                  Objective: The learner will demonstrate the ability to develop an employment portfolio.




    A.      The learner will explore the various methods of contacting employers.


    B.      The learner will understand the process of applying for a job.





    A.      The learner will create and record employment contacts using job lead cards.


    B.      The learner will complete several styles of employment applications from local and national employers.


    C.      The learner will develop a personal resume using the computer.


    D.     The learner will role-play typical questions and answers used during an interview.


    VI.                Objective: The learner will be able to identify employer/employee expectations regarding ob performance.




    A.      The learner will be able to recognize necessary work habits and attitudes required by employers.


    B.      The learner will understand how employee expectations, right, and benefits relate to the workplace.




    A.      The learner will role-play workplace situations demonstrating positive attitudes and work habits.


    B.      The learner will develop written list of the most important employee expectations of the employer.


    C.      The learner will use the Internet to access information regarding federal laws on wages, equal employment opportunities, health and safety and environmental protection issue.



    VII.              Objective: The learner will understand the importance of developing positive interpersonal relationships necessary for relating well to others both on and off the job. 




    A.      The learner will recognize positive personality traits necessary in the workplace.


    B.      The learner will develop a budget and explain the benefits of money management.




    A.      The learner will organize a record of their personal income and expenditures.


    B.      The learner will create a personal budget using a computer software program.


    C.      The learner will collect and evaluate information regarding savings and checking accounts from local banks.


    VIII.            Objective: The learner will understand the basic use of a computer operating system and how the various computer application can be used in the workplace.




    A.      The learner will be able to recognize the various components of a typical computer operating system.


    B.      The learner will demonstrate the ability to use a variety of computer software applications commonly used in the workplace.


    C.      The learner will demonstrate the ability to use the Internet as a tool to search for information.




    A.      The learner will identify the separate components of a computer operating system by labeling them on a parts diagram.


    B.      The learner will show the ability to use various forms of business software to create business letter, charts, and reports.


    C.      The learner will use the Internet to research information for class projects and reports.






                Microsoft Works 4.5, Microsoft Corporation, 1998


                Career Information Delivery System (CIDS)


                Internet Services




                “What is Sexual Harassment,” The Learning Seed. Lake Zurich, IL, 1994.


                “Not for Sale-Ethics in the American Workplace,” Ethics Resource Center, Inc., 1992.


                Print Materials:


    Entering the World of Work, 3rd Edition, Glencoe Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, Columbus, Ohio, 1989.


    Entering the World of Work, Student Activity Workbook, 3rd Edition, Glencoe Macmillan/McGraw-Hill, Columbus, Ohio, 1989.


    The School to Work Planner 3rd Edition Stull and Zedlitiz, South-Western Educational Publishing, Cincinnati, Ohio.  1997 ISBEN 0-8400-1239-x



    Working smart, 1st Edition, Schulman and Kowaldo, South Western Publishing Co. 1995.


    Business Etiquette Resource manual I and II, 1st Edition, Sabath, At Ease INC. Educational Division, 1991.


    Job Search- JIST WORKS INC. 1989


    Sell Yourself-Successful Job Interviewing, The Learning Seed. 1990.


                Resumes That Get Interviews, Interviews that Get Job, Guidance Associates, 1989.


                Job Survival Skills: Working With Others/Guidance Associates, 1987


    Getting Along On The Job, Interpersonal Work Skills, Human Relations Media, 1988.


    Communication Skills at Work: Dealing with Supervisors, Guidance Associates, 1989.


    Ready for Work (Qualities that Count with Employers, Human relations Media, INC. 1995.)


    What is Sexual Harassment, The Learning Seed, 1994.


    Stop It! Students Speak Out About Sexual Harassment, Films for the Humanities & Sciences 1996.   





    Curriculum Integration


    Department:_______________________________  Date:_____________________


    Course:___________________________________  Level:_____________________


    Identify the Course of Study objective(s) which address the workplace readiness       standards.



    Workplace Readiness Standards                ____________Objective(s)_____________

    All students will develop career                 ___________________________________

    Planning and workplace readiness.            ___________________________________


    All students will use technology                 ___________________________________

    information and other tools.                      ___________________________________


    All students will use critical                        ___________________________________

    Thinking, decision-making,                         ___________________________________

    And problem solving skills.                         ___________________________________


    All students will demonstrate                     ___________________________________

    Self-management skills.                             ___________________________________


    All students will apply safety                      ___________________________________

    Principles.                                                   ___________________________________