• The following extracurricular clubs and organizations are those which are competitive on local, state or national levels.  There may be additional small membership dues or fees associated with these clubs.  Students who participate in competitive clubs are eligible to receive varsity letter awards, per the Lenape Regional High School board policy, as outlined below:


    Varsity Letters for Interscholastic Extracurricular Activities:
    Varsity Letters will be granted to students (who have met qualifying criteria) in school-sponsored, interscholastic extracurricular activities (listed below) that include competitions in which the student competes against other students enrolled in schools outside of the Lenape Regional High School district. Criteria to earn Varsity Letters for Interscholastic Extracurricular Activities is as follows: 

    • In order to receive a varsity letter, the student must compete in ½ (one-half) the number of competitions of that club for the particular season.
    • A student shall receive only one material award in the form of an emblem or letter. Upon earning an additional award, the/she shall receive the appropriate service bar.
    • Seniors who have not met award requirements, but have participated for three seasons in a given competitive club may receive a varsity award.
    • Competitive club advisors may recommend awards in special cases to those who have not met requirements for extenuating circumstances.


    Chess Club
    Students meet after school for hotly-contested matches and competitions and compete against other schools. 
    --Advisor:  Mrs. Donna Hill (dhill@lrhsd.org)


    Debate Team
    The Debate Team is comprised of four varsity members and two alternates.  There is an active junior varsity program.  Debates are once per week for ten weeks in the South Jersey Debate league.
    --Advisor:  Mr. Zachary Bear (zbaer@lrhsd.org)

    DECA (Formerly Distributive Education Clubs of America)
    As a not-for-profit student organization with more than 225,000 members in all 50 United States, Canada, Guam, Puerto Rico and Germany, DECA prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs for careers in marketing, finance, hospitality and management.
    --Advisor:  Mrs. Melissa Dietz (mdietz@lrhsd.org)

    FBLA:  Future Business Leaders of America
    An educational organization of students preparing for careers in business and business related fields.  It brings business and education together through leadership conferences, career development programs, competitions and community service.
    --Advisor:  Mr. Marty Rotindo (mrotindo@lrhsd.org)

    FCCLA:  Family Career and Community Leaders of America
    FCCLA is a nonprofit national career and technical student organization for young men and women in family and consumer sciences education.  Students must have completed or are currently enrolled in a FCS course to qualify to become a member.  Involvement in FCCLA offers members the opportunity to expand their leadership potential and develop skills for life – planning, goal setting, problem solving, decision making and interpersonal communication – necessary in the home and workplace.  Meetings will be announced and posted on Ms. Gerber’s e-Board. 
    --Advisor:  Ms. Ashley Gerber (agerber@lrhsd.org


    Jazz Band
    This band performs at concerts as well as a full schedule of competitive festivals.  An audition in October is required.  The band meets Tuesday evenings and Thursdays after school.
    --Advisor:  Mr. Nick Rotindo (nrotindo@lrhsd.org)


    Knowledge Bowl
    Teams of students assemble to compete with other schools in four Jeopardy-like tournaments.  Tryouts are held in October. 
    --Advisor:  Mrs. Amy Felix (afelix@lrhsd.org)


    Math League
    There are two leagues.  One is a mail-in league where students come after school to take a test and then have their results sent.  The other league travels to compete directly with other schools.  Both leagues compete six times throughout the year against 13 other schools in the county.
    --Advisor:  Mr. Joseph Aromando (jaromando@lrhsd.org)

    Marching Band
    The Marching Band performs at football games, pep rallies, local and national parades, and other functions.  In addition, the Renegade Band performs a full schedule of competitions.  The Marching Band meets in the fall and rehearses after school and in the evenings.
    --Advisor:  Ms. Pam Czekay (pczekay@lrhsd.org)  


    Robotics Club
    The Iron Devils Robotics Team are members of the FIRST Robotics Competition (FRC,) which is a unique varsity sport of the mind which challenges teams and their mentors to solve a common problem in a six-week timeframe using a standard “kit of parts” and a common set of rules.  The competition challenge changes each year and the robots weigh around 120 pounds, depending on that year’s rules.  Details of the game are released on the first Saturday in January, and the teams are given six weeks to construct a robot that can accomplish the game’s tasks.  The team is composed of students interested in mechanics, electronics, programming, graphic arts, web design, marketing/accounting, and media/television technology.
    --Advisor:  Mr. Paul Blouch (pblouch@lrshd.org)


    Technology Student Association
    The Technology Student Association (TSA) is a national student organization created to develop skills in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) and business education. TSA's aim is to develop leadership, academic, and business management skills in the workplace among students and leaders within the community. The organization has over 300,000 members. The Renegade chapter focuses on completing various technology projects during our meetings throughout the year and competing in the state competition at TCNJ in the spring. 
    --Advisor:  Mrs. Kirk (skirk@lrhsd.org)