• The following extracurricular activities are offered for those who enjoy history, foreign languages and world cultures.  Please click on the club name to visit that particular club's website.


    Asian Club
    A group of students interested in many elements of Asian culture, including Asian history, geography, food and art forms.  Meetings will take place at least monthly and will consist of some of the following topics:  reading or viewing Asian film, art and/or literature, cooking/eating Asian cuisine, listening to guest speakers or student presentations regarding a variety of Asian cultural issues.
    --Advisor:  Mrs. Boehmke (cboehmke@lrhsd.org)  


    French Club
    The French Club allows students to take language learning out of the classroom to continue to experience the French culture.  Guest speakers, food sampling trips to restaurants, and visits to museums and theatres further enrich this cultural experience. 
    --Advisor:  Mrs. Andrea Mangold (amangold@lrhsd.org)

    German Club
    The German Club is an extension of the classroom promoting the exploration of German culture.  One of the most popular highlights is the sampling of German cuisine by cooking and consuming various German culinary delights.  Other activities include Niklausabend, Oktoberfest, Declamation Contest, and Filmabend.  At least one charity event per year is planned.  One need not be a German student to participate. 
    --Advisor:  Ms. Evagelia Lyras (elyras@lrhsd.org)  


    History Club
    The History/Politics Club meets once a month to discuss current affairs and issues and puts them in a historical context.  The club keeps track of elections and current events both nationally and internationally.  Issues are debated, brief videos are viewed, and all people and viewpoints are welcome! 
    --Advisor:  Mr. O’Neill (eoneill@lrhsd.org)  


    Italian Club
    The Italian Club allows students to take language learning out of the classroom to continue to experience the Italian culture.  Guest speakers, food sampling trips to restaurants, and visits to museums and theatres further enrich this cultural experience. 
    --Advisor:  Mr. David Master (dmaster@lrhsd.org)  


    Latin Club
    The Latin Club aims to promote elements of the ancient roman culture at Shawnee High School.  Activities include mythology tournaments, annual saturnalia banquets, toga making and an afternoon film series among activities.  You need not be a Latin student to join.
    --Advisor:  Ms. Brenna Atmore (batmore@lrhsd.org) 


    Multi-Cultural Club
    This is a club for students who wish to appreciate and celebrate the diversity in our school and community, working toward better understanding of differences and similarities among people.  There are opportunities for both school and community service activities, as well as leadership conference offerings.  You will help Shawnee maintain the No Place For Hate designation.
    --Advisor: Mrs. Rebecca Edds (redds@lrhsd.org)  

    Russian Club
    Members of the Russian Club seek to discuss language, cultural differences and current issues/topics within Russia and its surrounding borders.  Members will learn basic sayings, and engage themselves in creating different foods and heirlooms of Russian culture.
    --Advisor:  Mrs. Rosemary Johnson (rjohnson@lrhsd.org)


    Spanish Club
    The Spanish Club is a cultural experience into the Spanish speaking world.  Experience Spanish music, dance, food and conversation.
    --Advisor:  Mrs. Cindy Gallimore (cgallimore@lrhsd.org)