• The following extracurricular clubs and activities are science and health based.  Please click on a club name to visit that particular club's website!

    Aeronautics Club
    The Aeronautics club is for students who enjoy making model planes and rockets. 
    --Advisor:  Mrs. Donna Hill (dhill@lrhsd.org)  

    Biology Club
    The club discusses current science topics and creates science projects.
    --Advisor:  Mr. John Dell’Angelo (jdellangelo@lrhsd.org)

    An Environmental club that studies environmental issues through education, workshops, and local activities. 
    --Advisor:  Mrs. Kelly Banks (kbanks@lrhsd.org)  


    Student Trainers
    Students are dedicated to helping all athletes in times of injury.  These students perform many hours of medical service for our athletes.  NOTE:  This group does NOT require a participation fee.
     --Advisors/Athletic Trainers:  Mr. Kip Patterson (kippatterson@lrhsd.org)/Ms. Nicolette Montgomery (nmontgomery@lrhsd.org)  

    After School Weight Room:
    Fall: Mr. Joe Kessler (jkessler@lrhsd.org
    Winter:  Mr. Tim Welsh (twelsh@lrhsd.org)
    Spring:  TBD
    Summer: Mr. Tim Welsh (twelsh@lrhsd.org) weekdays during specified times.


    Wellness and Nutrition Club
    This Wellness and Nutrition club is geared to students who are interested in achieving and maintaining optimum levels of health and fitness.  There will be both a nutritional and physical component to this group.
    --Advisor:  Mrs. Rebecca Edds (redds@lrhsd.org)