2023-2024 Unit Goals

  • 2023-2024 Goals

    Cadet Impact Goals:

    1. Have 90% of the Cadet Corps participate in at least 1 LDR by the end of the 3rd marking period.(April 5, 2024)
    2. The Cadet Corps will maintain a 3.0 GPA average for the year and utilize the network of cadet tutors and wingmen when needed.
    3. Develop a new and innovative orientation for new cadets to learn about the JROTC to be held in the summer of 2024 before the start of the 2024-2025 Academic Year by the end of the 3rd marking period.(April 5, 2024)  
    4. Have at least 8 members join each LDR team and be active within them by the end of the 3rd marking period.(April 5, 2024)  


    School Impact Goals:

    1. Meet or exceed the 100 cadet enrollment threshold for the fall 2024 PSR and have a retention rate of current cadets of at least 90% for the 2024-2025 academic year by the end of the 3rd marking period.(April 5, 2024)  
    2. Host at least one informational briefing for each feeder descending middle school's rising freshmen, and create one updated recruiting video per semester.  
    3. The Cadet Corps will assist and support 5 Seneca High School-sponsored events per Semester in order to raise awareness of the program throughout the school.


    Community Impact Goals:

    1. Have each cadet obtain at least 5 hours of community service per semester.
    2. Plan and execute community service events for all cadets to have access to at least 40 hours of community service each semester.